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Pineapple Lemonade, 24 tlk



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Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Meinaat, että feikkiprofiili? Ei ole. Hyvät ihmiset tekivät Mestarista niin paljon valituksia fabossa, että Fabo ilmoitti Mestarille Mestarin fabo-sivun olevan feikki oikealla nimellä tjmv ja joutui Mestari muotoilemaan sukunimensä virheelliseen muotoon Hallaaho. Samassa muodossa Mestarin virallinen Mestari-sivusto on nytkin. Mestarikaan ei ole mestari joka asiassa, vaikka mestari onkin monessa asiassa Mestari.
"My husband, Cortez, and I met almost 9 years ago through mutual friends here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We have been married for a little over 3 years. Creating a family is something that was very important to us, and we were blessed with expecting our first daughter a few short months after being married. When our daughter, Willimina Daisy, was born everyone told us she was a spitting image of her father. So, when we were expecting our second daughter, Valentina Janie, I joked that she would be my mini me. Never in a million years would I have guessed she would be born with fair skin, auburn hair, blue eyes, and truly my mini me. Watching our girls grow up and interact is truly the greatest gift in the world. The only difference Willimina sees in her baby sister is that she has 'big chunky cheeks.' Do I worry about them growing up in this crazy world with 'different skin colors?' No, not at all. My husband and I will raise them no differently, treat them no differently, and, most importantly, love them no differently. Kids are colorblind and love is every color of the rainbow. Genetics do crazy things and skin color doesn't matter in the eyes of children. Love is love!"

To support our mission, pre-order the Love What Matters book in time for Mother's Day:
A Love What Matters Original Story

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