Tosi on, jotain puuttuu:
Allaolevasta kaynee ilmi (sori, duunikoneesta puuttu scandit) etta suolan ja sokerin puute tai nestehukka voi aiheuttaa kramppia. Uskoisin etta sinun kannattaa ensin lisata veden nauttimista.
Toinen on huolehtia elimiston sokeritasapainosta, esim banaania syomalla. Kramppi tulee kun lihaksen solunsisainen toiminta hairiintyy, joten pelkka suolan syonti ei auta.
What causes them?
The exact cause of cramping is still unknown, but there are several factors that are associated with muscle cramps:
failing to stretch adequately before exercise
extreme hot or cold
salt imbalances after sweating
low blood sugar
The most prevalent cause of muscle cramps appears to be overexertion, either exercising for a longer duration than normal or at a higher intensity. This is why cramps are common at the end of a long or strenuous activity, such as a marathon, or after a particularly high-intensity exercise, such as a sprint. Despite the fact that the risk factors are known, the exact cause of cramping is not well understood. One theory is that muscle cramps occur when muscles are shortened and repeatedly stimulated without being stretched.
Replenishment of glycogen (the body's store of sugar) is important for proper muscle cell functioning. Eat before exercise to stock up, and then replenish carbohydrate losses by eating during and after training. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates such as pasta and bananas are ideal.
Cramps are unpleasant, often painful, sensations caused by contraction or over shortening of muscles. Cramps can be caused by cold, overexertion or low calcium level in blood (especially for adolescents where they need calcium for both blood and bone maturing).