Perinteinen tampereen mestaruuskilpailu

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M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Tampere kisan kärkikaksikko, Rami Aaltonen voitti ja "Quadzilla" tuli hienosti toiseksi, sainkin häneltä täydet oikeidet käyttää kuvia täällä joten tässä jokunen mielestäni onnistunut otos.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Hienoa Quadzilla! Kropan malli on, kuten sanottu, todella hyvä ja vyötärö-hartia-suhde melkoinen.
Zilla oli kovassa vedossa, varsinkin iltakisassa mies oli aivan loistavassa kunnossa.


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Grapefruit Lemonade

Tampereen katsastus

Löytyykö kuvia loppukilpailusta. Monella kunto "täydempi" siinä, eli parempi.
Oliko yllättäjiä/pettymyksiä kilpailuissa.
SM-kisat 3viikon päästä, mihin kaikki hieman keskenkuntoiset ehtii parantaa.
Ensi viikonloppuna Turku ja siellä uudet kilpailijat.
Täytyy nyt laittaa se tännekin, mitä naureskelin jo tsätissä poserille. Quadzilla on aivan ilmetty kaksoisolento Poserista. Lavaliikehdintä on suora kopio ja rakenne hyvin lähellä poseria (quaz on ehkä vähän isompi, mutta aavistuksen löysempi). Siinä olisikin tulevaisuuden tavoite, että pojat kiipeätte samalle lavalle pullistelemaan. :D

edit. Formulalle sen verran, että "Namu" Aitto-Oja oli löysä (hyvin lihaisa tosin. toivotaan, että on kireä sm:issä). Ehkä valmiimpia SM:iin tässä vaiheessa olivat mansekisan voittaja sekä Erkki Hirvonen joka vei raskaan (mutta sm:issä lienee ale 95kg). Niin ja tietysti Nousiainen alle 80kg oli myös kireänä jo nyt.
I am not trying to be hard, but most of the guys have blown their diets. There are only a few guys that look good and those will kick everyone elses asses when the actual comp comes.

Overall pre contest condition should be much better at this point (in most of the guys, not all)

I was really impressed with the guy on the far right, of the attached pic. He is thick, muscular and has obviously taken the time to train his legs. If he can get more dry, harder and full for the real comp he will kick ass.


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I think that some of those precontest guys don´t give a shit about that comp what was in Tampere. You just have to go there to get to main comp.
There´s three weeks left to championships, so you can do anything in that time!

If you are ultra-ripped, full and ready in precomp, it´s possible that you ruin your maincomp condition. Precomp is just to show to judges, that you have opportunity to get in good shape to main competition.

It´s stupid to empty and fill up body, and take water off to precomp, because it´s not necessary. You do that only to championships, then you do it right and you can be better than others..
Kaikille Panamaan saapuneille suuret kiitokset koko MBC:n puolesta, väkeä oli paikalla todella hyvin ja yleisö hyvin mukana koko näytöksen ajan.
DJacobs sanoi:
I am not trying to be hard, but most of the guys have blown their diets. There are only a few guys that look good and those will kick everyone elses asses when the actual comp comes.

Overall pre contest condition should be much better at this point (in most of the guys, not all)

I was really impressed with the guy on the far right, of the attached pic. He is thick, muscular and has obviously taken the time to train his legs. If he can get more dry, harder and full for the real comp he will kick ass.

Well yeah...and some of them never get on stage at all.

You are only partly right,surely there are some guys that have actually pissed their diets and will need a miracle to get in shape for main contest.Most of these guys are trying to be more massive than they actually are and that is bad mistake. Hopefully they will learn someday, but it seems that same guys are doing these same mistakes over and over again.

As Poser corrected most of these guys are on stage at pre-contest because they have to. There was guys who only colored their skins and did nothing else for a contest preparation. You´ll see many huge improvements on conditions of these guys at Lahti, so keep your eyes open.

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