Music makes us happy. Millions of people can agree on that. But heavy metal? A genre that is often described as deafening and aggressive, how is can that make people happy? Are the headbanging, beer-drinking and blackclad metal fans even happier than other people? Surely, that can't be.But psychologist Nico Rose argues the contrary. In his book "Hard, Heavy and Happy" he describes the effects of heavy metal on body, mind and soul. He also explains how what heavy metal opponents often call "noise" helps cope with anxiety and depression. On this episode of Arts Unveiled, we will explain how the notorious festival venue of Wacken became a sanctuary for metalheads' well-being and how the heavy metal crowd has now even managed to win over the quiet-loving inhabitants of the tranquil village in northern Germany. Heavy Metal becomes Happy Metal. - With hard rock music to a happier life.