Pakkometallin pikku-uutiset 2023

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Metallisia pikku-uutisia vuoden 2023 osalta.

In loving memory of a man, and a band, that inspired generations.
A tribute dedicated to Alexi Laiho 1979-2020.

As we decided if we should, or not, include a cover song on our brand new album "O.M.E.N.", we all decided it was necessary to create this tribute, not only song-wise but visually as well, as a gesture of thankfulness to a man who opened so many doors of creativity and technicality, who has inspired so many of us, and who will continue to inspire, throughout the years.

Rest in peace, Alexi.

Ensiesitys klo 19.00.

Libanonilainen Slave to Sirens on Lähi-idän ensimmäinen metallimusiikkibändi, jonka jäsenet ovat naisia. Aggressiivista thrash metalia soittava bändi edustaa beirutilaiselle nuorisolle vapauden ja vastarinnan ääntä. Bändin perustajat Lilas ja Shery etsivät itseään, kipuilevat seksuaalisuutensa kanssa ja kohtaavat monenlaisia esteitä yhteiskunnassa, joka on murtumispisteessä. Tässä kasvukertomuksessa on kuitenkin kivun lisäksi luovuutta ja lämpöä. Marokkolais-amerikkalaisen Rita Baghdadin ohjaama dokumenttielokuva on ollut iso festivaalihitti maailmalla. (Sirens, Libanon 2022).

Kävimme 15.12.2022 Kotiteollisuuden keikalla katsastamassa Jouni Hynysen kitarakamat! Paikkana oli legendaarinen Tavastia Helsingissä. Kiitos Jouni!

Anthrax songs are filled with riffs. Fast ones, chuggy ones, springy ones, nimble ones, catchy ones, moshy ones. Riffs are what rhythm guitarist Scott Ian does best, and while there're plenty of musically nuanced and pleasantly melodic guitar passages in Anthrax's catalog, we asked Ian to pick the 11 heaviest in the band's repertoire. The ones that make you want to bang your head until you pull a muscle. The ones that make you want to punch the drink out of the hands of the dude standing next to you, just because. Watch above to see which riffs Ian selected, and hear him sing them all a capella.

M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan



Kaaoszinen bändien historioihin keskittyvän videosarjan neljännessä jaksossa on keskiössä kotimaisen metallimusiikin kulmakiviin lukeutunut ja monille suomalaisille yhtyeille ovet ulkomaille avannut Children Of Bodom.
Ozzy Osbourne:

"This is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to share with my loyal fans. As you may all know, four years ago, this month, I had a major accident, where I damaged my spine. My one and only purpose during this time has been to get back on stage. My singing voice is fine. However, after three operations, stem cell treatments, endless physical therapy sessions, and most recently groundbreaking Cybernics (HAL) Treatment, my body is still physically weak.

"I am honestly humbled by the way you've all patiently held onto your tickets for all this time, but in all good conscience, I have now come to the realization that I'm not physically capable of doing my upcoming European/UK tour dates, as I know I couldn't deal with the travel required. Believe me when I say that the thought of disappointing my fans really FUCKS ME UP, more than you will ever know.

"Never would I have imagined that my touring days would have ended this way. My team is currently coming up with ideas for where I will be able to perform without having to travel from city to city and country to country.

"I want to thank my family……my band…….my crew……my longtime friends, JUDAS PRIEST, and of course, my fans for their endless dedication, loyalty, and support, and for giving me the life that I never ever dreamed I would have.

"I love you all…"

Aino Norrintytär, 22, Riihimäeltä esittää The Voice of Finlandin 12. kauden Ääni ratkaisee -vaiheessa Wardrunan kappaleen Helvegen.

Type O Negative's classic track 'Love You To Death' live from Wacken, taken from the bonus tracks of the anniversary re-issue edition of Dead Again. Pre-order the Dead Again reissue on a variety of limited edition formats or stream the album (including the live at Wacken set for the first time!).

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