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Pitkään uumoltu ottelijayhdistys on nyt perustettu. Keulakuvana on Mark Hunt.

In what is surely a historic day for the sport of mixed martial arts, a professional fighter’s association has been established.

Fighters have long campaigned for an external representative to look out for their rights. One man in particular who campaigned, was our very own, Mark Hunt.

Last month, Hunt sent a scathing message to the UFC and called for a fighter’s association to be established.

“The way I see it, the Brock Lesnar doping thing is just another reason why we need a fighter’s association,” Hunt said. “These guys are just making up the rules as they go.

“First the Reebok thing, then Brock’s 4 month testing exemption. Conor gets pulled off a card for not going to a press conference that me or Brock didn’t go to anyway. Work that out. There’s probably a heap of others.

“If you ask me there needs to be a system where they at least run things past the fighters before making these decisions and the fighters can look out for each other. We need an association where we can have our voices heard. We are massive reason why fans watch the sport and we risk our health to do it.”
Hyvä juttu mut eriasia mitenmoni siihen liittyy. Varmaan suurin osa haluis liittyä mut voisin kuvitella että dana white painostaa ettei tarvi liittyä. Tais joskus jo asiasta mielipiteensä sanoa.
Sit on tyypit kuten conor ja jokunen muu jotka tienaavat niin paljon ettei heillä mitään tarvetta liitolle.
Enemmistö jos menis mukaan ni sit homma toimis.
Saas nähä miten huntin seuraava ottelu, vaikuttaako nää asiat ja miten.
No varmaa on että jossain vaiheessa tämmönen tulee mutta onko nyt ni vaikea sanoa.

It is important to bunch together and support each other," McGregor said. "It's a dangerous, crazy business we are in. We get in and risk everything. I have witnessed firsthand how these fighters risk it all. Maybe in the future. Right now, I have got to focus on myself. That might be selfish, but this is the position I'm in right now. I have a lot going on. I've gotta focus on my own self right now. But in the future, maybe I will help spearhead something like that. If it is presented correctly. I wouldn't just jump in if it wasn't gonna be done right.

Many fighters are not in a great situation," McGregor said. "I am blessed. I am blessed with the situation I am in. I have worked very hard for this
Joo. Ei Conorilla varmasti ole intressejä tässä vaiheessa ryhtyä miksikään keulakuvaksi, koska uransa on muutenkin nyt kriittisessä vaiheessa ja vaatii 100% keskittymistä. Mutta jos tuohon saadaan runsaasti jäseniä, niin en ymmärrä miksei hän saattaisi olla mukana yhtenä monista. Conorille siitä varmaan vähiten riskiä on että tulisi jotain epävirallisia sanktioita. Kai Wayne Gretzkykin kuului NHL:n pelaajayhdistykseen?


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