Eiche sanoi:
Mites muut, onko tykätty? Ainakin "Like the time I..." vitsit on lisääntyny ehkä liikaakin. Silti hyvä meininki jatkunu :D "I'm afraid I have to put you down.. yhyhyhyyyhyy"
Quagmiren poika :lol2:
"Donde demonios estabas? Es más de la una y media de la mañana!"
"Eso (lopusta en saanu selvää)"
"A veces me pones furiosa!"
"No puedo habla contigo giggidy, cuando te pones así.
Me voy a ver los toros giggidygiggidygiggidy!"
Brian: "Where's your good buddy James Woods?"
Peter: "Eh, turns out he wasn't very good at catching stuff with his mouth.
Where's your girlfriend?"
Brian: "Ah, same problem."
Peter: Hey hey I got an idea. Lets play "I Never." You got to drink if you did the thing that the person says they never did.
Peter: God lets see what else is there um...I never gave a reach-around to a spider monkey while reciting the Pledge of Alligence.
Quagmire: Oh God.
(Quagmire takes a drink.)
Joe: I uh I never picked up an illegal alien at Home Depot to take home a choke me while I touch myself.
Quagmire: Oh come on!
(Quagmire drinks again.)
Peter: I never did the same thing except with someone from Joann Fabrics.
Quagmire: Oh God this is ridiculous. You guys suck! (Drinks more and passes out.)
"And if you look off the left side of the ship you'll see a bunch of homosexuals.
A la izquierda del barque podemos ver las 'fanny bandits'."
"I'll be in the basement."
"Doin' what?"
"What do you think!"