BB PRO Nasser Sonbaty

Osa 2 - 70000 dollarin Sato-koira ja Miloksen roinavelat. On kyllä ehdottomasti parhainpia haastatteluja, mitä olen lukenut.

"You mentioned Milos Sarcev. Here is a point I would like to make in this interview. Milos still owes me money: 2550 dollars. I loaned him money to buy anabolic steroids because at the time, in 1995, he was getting divorced from one of his numerous wives and he was out of money. So I loaned him the money so he could buy his drugs so he could compete. But he never gave me the money back (laughs). "

Milosin vastaus

Well, I am somewhat NOT SURPRISED but still wouldn't expect that even low-life like him could fall this low...
But, written words are little bit LOUDER than just said...(in the court of law Wink)

Now...Nasser - would you be so kind and confirm this statement...or you are just going to laugh as always and than say: "well...stupid people will believe me as they WANT to believe something like that..."

It was known fact for more than a decade that Nasser was "my first" dramatically transformed athlete who AFTER MY ASSISTANCE became TOP CONTENDER for the Mr. Olympia title.

After placing I believe 7th in 1994 - Nasser moved to San Diego...where I lived.
I welcomed him to my home - as his countryman and "brother of Iron" who lives same kind of life...and who lived in US for several years - so I could be there for him if he needs me.

Besides taking Nasser to see Joe Weider when Joe DIDN'T WANT TO SEE HIM - at my own risk at MY SCHEDULED appointment with Joe - and result of his meeting was his first Weider contract which meant possibility for Nasser to stay in US...I also let him see all my "journals".

Being - SKEPTIC as he is Nasser didn't want to consider that I would show him my "true journals" accusing me in front of "one of my numerous ex wives" that I just made that journal to "trick him"...
About 10 meals a day, 365 days per year...from 1987 until 1994 (at that time)...with all the supplements + Rx + training/cardio information...

I asked him:" Are you suggesting that I wrote all this for 7 years hoping that one day someone like you could come to my house and I can play a "practical joke" and show him my "fake journals" and trick that person into doing something wrong?"

Nasser looked confused and looked at me (or through you would never know if Nasser is really looking at you or somewhere else...) and pointed out that he doesn't believe I eat THAT MUCH PROTEIN (as I was averaging between 400 and 500 grams a day), that I used INSULIN (as every time he would have taken it he would get FAT)...and...that I use such a low amounts of "Rx" with such a long breaks in between....

My only question to him was: " So you really think I made all these journals all these years with THAT idea in mind - to trick someone?"

He didn't answer.

Every time however when he would come to visit - he would ask me if he can see my journals...and he would analyze them.
Than he asked me if he could take some home - so he could read all of them...and I let him do that (as I did with few more guys I some could maybe confirm).

Needless to say - he came to me at the end of 2004 asking me IF I could explain him WHAT to do and he will start January 1995.


Nasser made such incredible gains that he immediately became threat for Mr. Olympia title.
First show after my "assistance" was Houston Pro Invitational 1995 which he convincingly won (beating 2-Vince, 3-Achim, 4-John Sherman, 5-me, 6-Ronnie Coleman...).
YES I helped the athlete who was competing against me - and with my help he did manage to beat me (if that is the /LOGICAL/ question some of you would ask... Wink. Also, Nasser is NOT the only one whom I helped in direct competition against myself...)

Couple of weeks later - he won Night Of Champions in even more impressive fashion.

Winning his second show in a row was actually 'softening' Nasser to the point that he actually even invited me for his "celebration dinner" in New York (first and only meal he ever treated me with)...
We did have competition - who could eat more sushi (as Nasser was counting freak - counting everything...How many diet cokes he many steps he many floors he have to walk in "Beacon hotel" where elevator was not working...etc)

But - anyway...

Nasser placed 3rd at 1995 Mr. Olympia and for the next 3 years WAS TOP CONTENDER making fantastic living from the sport...and YES - I HAD A LOT TO DO WITH IT (Now, under this circumstances I can tell...)

At that time also - his mother would call me her son...and Nasser was (in rare moments) actually appreciative...and some people in the industry do know that he even made statement - that I gave him $100000.00 -dollar information...

Simply, I did SOMETHING considerable to help him in his efforts to be successful IFBB pro.

To "return" me a favor - Nasser told me how he used "PLASMA EXPANDERS" which he supposedly learned from Chad...and as his information was identical to instructions I got from Chad.
THAT IS EXTEND OF NASSER'S KNOWLEDGE "I got from him" as he so proudly said...

The problem is - his and Chad's information was WRONG...and as I read years later in MD Chad's article PLASMA EXPANDERS and learned that Chad and his athlete who he called jokester were laughing their as..s off (as he wrote in that article) after they realized how they managed to trick one nutritionist into believing them HOW TO USE PE...

Two guys who I helped with priceless information which really catapulted both of their careers in sign of their gratitude and appreciation told me how to pretty much - kill myself...using IV solution in certain way that could indeed be deleterious...

They were also laughing as they were hoping (as Chad stated in the article) how other bodybuilders will also listen to that "nutritionist" and try the same...

I was so pissed off that I started PLASMA EXPENDER'S DEBATE on the net...(Chad's site, mine...and getbig...)
Peter Mc Gough, Tom Prince, Chad, Shawn...and others got involved...and I am sure that debate is still somewhere on the net...

But, what is NOT said so far...when DEA investigated me - they indeed chose to subpoena Nasser and Chad...MAYBE THEIR STATEMENTS will soon to be public record?

Well, it looks like Nasser had something to I would like to ask him few more MAKE THIS OFFICIAL... Wink

Maybe Nasser could remember the way he gave me his "loan"...Was it cash, check, credit card OR SOMETHING ELSE...valued at whatever amount....
Any additional details are welcome...

What's more - how come he waited 12 years to "remind" me that I owe him money?
Loistosettiä taas! Hienoa, että Nasserin nimi on taas kaikkien huulilla. Mies oli unohduksissa niin monta vuotta. Nasser all the way :rock:
Noita juttuja on turha itkee kun maito on maassa. 07 Olympiakin meni väärään osoitteeseen, itse pidin victoria oikeastaan varmana voittajana. Kyllä tossa 98 kuvassa Ronnie on kovimmassa kunnossa, Nasse sedän selkä on niin armottoman huono verrattuna kanssakilpailijohin.
Neljäs osa luettavaksi ilmaantunut:

Bonus - The Story Behind The Interviews.

Nasse-Setä kaataa kyllä täyslaidallisen. Todella mielenkiintoista luettavaa. Tuo Kovacksin juttu on kyllä sieltä pahimmasta päästä; mies ei yletä persettään pyyhkimään vaan vaimon pitää tehdä se ja seuraavaksi käyttää vielä vaippojakin.

Myös tuo Milosin juttu on karua luettavaa.

Kokonaisuutena nämä haastattelut antavat kyllä aika synkän kuvan ammattilaiskehonrakennuksesta ja sen ympärillä pyörivästä bisneksestä. Pro-ukot vetää horkan lisäksi kokaa, nubainia ja ties mitä muuta ja levittävät/myyvät samoja aineita, fitness-pimut huoraavat kaikkien kanssa, jotkut eivät saa persettään pyyhittyä ym. ym.

Jo viitisentoista vuotta lajia harrastaneena ja seuranneena täytyy kyllä jo myöntää, että ammatilaistasolla puhutaan varmaan yhdestä maailman sairaimmista lajeista.
Kyllähän tuostakin koko hommasta saa sellaisen kuvan, että osa noista kilpailijoista on täysiä idiootteja mukaanlukien tämä Nasser itse. Tämä nyt on vain minun mielipide ja jokainen fani sen kestäköön.

"About two weeks out of the 2003 show I started feeling very sick, and also my lower body began filling up with water. I had to cancel my photo shoot with Chris Lund from Flex magazine. I started coughing and got hiccups. The hiccups did not stop, not even at night time so I could barely sleep. I still wanted to make it to the show and I had only two more weeks to go. But it got worse and worse. My right rear shoulder started visibly producing pus. I did not call the doctor but instead called my mom who flew in from Germany right away to help me out. I still did not comprehend the dimension of this sickness. When my mother arrived here shortly after I called her to help me out, she also began extracting pus from my deltoid with needles. It went on for two whole days and the syringes never stopped filling up. Pus was just pouring in colors white, yellow and brownish."

"I was given diuretics for water loss but my body was so used to diuretics from competing that a regular amount was barely anything for my system. It was nothing. So my dad who had also meanwhile arrived from Germany and my mom brought from my house more and stronger diuretics, which I self-administered to get my water out. We three had been concerned that the accumulating water could move to my heart and by seeing what the doctors did we just could not trust them fully. One of the doctors even started screaming at me because I wanted to have it explained exactly what the plan was and how they wanted to proceed with me regarding my treatment. I told him that he should lower his voice because “we are not at the marine recruiting center in Camp Pendleton “. And I also told him that I was very well educated despite him thinking that I was just a self-abusive bodybuilder."

Huhhei järki voittaa!
Kyllähän tuostakin koko hommasta saa sellaisen kuvan, että osa noista kilpailijoista on täysiä idiootteja mukaanlukien tämä Nasser itse. Tämä nyt on vain minun mielipide ja jokainen fani sen kestäköön.

Huhhei järki voittaa!

Sä et nyt vaan taviksena ymmärrä että tässä on duunissa tosivahvoja tahtoihmisiä, jotka haluaa todella vahvasti elää unelmaansa, ja on niinkö valmiit tosi paljon tekeen mitä sen eteen vaaditaan.

Siis mix sä niinq vihaat ihmisii, jotka siis vaan seuraa unelmaansa?
Sä et nyt vaan taviksena ymmärrä että tässä on duunissa tosivahvoja tahtoihmisiä, jotka haluaa todella vahvasti elää unelmaansa, ja on niinkö valmiit tosi paljon tekeen mitä sen eteen vaaditaan.

Siis mix sä niinq vihaat ihmisii, jotka siis vaan seuraa unelmaansa?

Hauska ajattelutapa ja analogia! :hyvä:

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