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Nevada Not Planning on Providing Monitors for Judges Any Time Soon

If you're one of those who believe that providing monitors for each judge during a fight would help eliminate bad decisions in MMA, you're not alone.

Unfortunately, Nevada, who has often been viewed as a trendsetter when it comes to implementing changes in MMA, has no immediate plans to provide individual monitors to each judge scoring MMA bouts.

Keith Kizer, the NSAC's executive director, told MMA Fighting on Tuesday that the state would not add cageside monitors for judges any time soon.

When asked if he would be open to the idea if a promoter, say, the UFC, asked for it, Kizer simply replied, "Maybe."

"A promoter can petition (to allow judges to have personal monitors,) and we'd put it on the agenda," Kizer told MMA Fighting. "The UFC is well aware of the process but has chosen not to ask in the past."

Cageside monitors were present by the judges seats at the TUF 11 Finale in Las Vegas in June, but Kizer unplugged them before the event.

According to the UFC, California is the only state to ever provide monitors for judges while scoring MMA bouts.

Kizer has said on numerous occasions that one of the main reasons reason why he hasn't placed monitors by the judges during a fight is because he likes the fact that the officials, who are positioned in different locations around the cage, have different vantage points during the bout.

That is certainly valid, but what happens when the fighters are battling on the ground at the other end of the cage or ring? Wouldn't it be helpful to place a monitor by the judges' side as a backup viewing option? How could it hurt?

The next major MMA event in Nevada in UFC 130 on May 28.

Millon noihin sääntöihin saadaan ylipäätään jotain muutosta? Eikö jo UFC pysty isona hirviönä puskemaan noita asioita mihinkään suuntaa? Hitto pitää itte mennä istumaan kohta, johonki MMA tuomarikoulutukseen, kun alkaa olemaan, niin turhatunut noiden asioiden suhteen. Ehkä sillon ymmärtäs noista paremmin.
"A promoter can petition (to allow judges to have personal monitors,) and we'd put it on the agenda," Kizer told MMA Fighting. "The UFC is well aware of the process but has chosen not to ask in the past."
Prosessi menee ilmeisesti niin että UFC:n pitäisi tehdä asiasta virallinen pyyntö, jolloin se laitettaisiin käsittelylistalle, mutta UFC ei ole tätä Kizerin mukaan tehnyt.

Tässä artikkelissa Kizer myös kommentoi, että tuomarit voivat joka tapauksessa katsoa tarvittaessa isoja screeneja.

Ref cam Priden tyyliin olisi hyvä, siitä kuva arvostelutuomareiden omiin monitoreihin, silloin arvostelutuomarit näkisivät periaatteessa kaiken mitä kehätuomarikin. Mutta ei UFC:llä taida ref camin käyttöönottoon kiinnostusta olla.
Monitorit näyttäis ainakin tulevan.

If the UFC has its way, there will be monitors present beside each judge at next month's UFC 130 in Las Vegas.

Marc Ratner, the UFC's Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, informed MMA Fighting that the organization has formally submitted a request to the Nevada State Athletic Commission to install monitors as a backup viewing option for the judges assigned to score the bouts at UFC 130.

"I've emailed [NSAC Executive Director] Keith [Kizer] and asked him to put the request on the next agenda. We believe these monitors will be another look to help with the judges," Ratner wrote via e-mail.

Last week, MMA Fighting reported that no plans were in place in Nevada to place monitors for the judges to look at during fights.

According to the UFC, California is the only state to ever provide monitors for judges while scoring MMA bouts.

When MMA Fighting asked NSAC Executive Director Keith Kizer if he would be open to the idea, Kizer replied, "Maybe." He added that it was up to a promoter to formally ask for the monitors to be present.

"A promoter can petition (to allow judges to have personal monitors,) and we'd put it on the agenda," Kizer told MMA Fighting last week. "The UFC is well aware of the process but has chosen not to ask in the past."

UFC 130 takes place May 28 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. The main event is Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard 3 for the UFC lightweight title.


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