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Moni on ehkä tuohon jo törmännytkin, mutta linkitin sen nyt tännekin, ihan keskustelua herätelläkseni. Muutamalla lauseella referoituna, jutun kirjoittanut (ja siis kuvissa esiintyvä ) Krista Schaus pääsi upeisiin tuloksiinsa a)siirtymällä vähähiilarisempaan ruokavalioon b)siirtymällä voimatyyppiseen treeniin ja vähentämällä samalla treenikertojaan vain kahteen viikossa ja c)vähentämällä radikaalisti aerobisen treenin määrää. Less is more, kuten Krista tuossa jutussa toteaa.
Muutama suora lainaus:
"February 1999. What a good month that was! It marks the transition for me. I mustered up the guts to approach an aerobics instructor at my gym who had the look and the strength I was looking for. To my delight she advised that she just started training people and I would be her first client. She introduced me to the world of weight training and proper diet. She reduced my cardio program to 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. She gave me a consistent weight training program and a diet plan that freaked me right out! What?! Eat more protein and less breads and pasta. I couldn't understand how the heck I would lose body fat especially If I was doing less cardio. But, I reminded myself how amazing she looked, and she was nearly 20 years older than me and had two young children. It must work, I thought.
It did work. Within a few months I had lost 3% body fat and actually gained a few pounds of lean muscle. Wow! Who knew? Was it hard? You bet! I went through carbohydrate withdrawal when I started this new way of eating. All bran was heaven to me. Cottage cheese and fruit was a treat. I couldn't wait for my healthy pancakes (maple syrup) and post workout meals (corn flakes). But, it is worth the bargain. Don't get me wrong; I still get to have my cake and eat it too, just not every day. Everything is within moderation. But, the more you have those treats the more you want them. So, I learned I was better off not to have them at all.
OK. So it sound like my problems were solved just like that right? No. Not really. By the Spring of 1999 I was not feeling fulfilled by my workouts. Something was wrong. Something was missing. I was doing a bodybuilding type routine. Breaking body parts up. Weight training almost every day. Lots of sets, lots of reps, lots of overlapping and duplication. It just wasn't me. I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew there was something else out there for me that would fit my goals perfectly."
"In May 1999, Sean gave me a program to match my current goals including bench press, squats, high pulls, bent over rows, push press, farmer's walks and roman chair sit ups. That was it?! Training two days a week only. I was so confused again.
But he made me give it 6 weeks and if I hated it for whatever reason I was off the hook. So I very reluctantly and hesitantly agreed. I am so glad I did! I would never go back to the mainstream form of training. I have been training only 2 days a week for over a year now and I have never been so strong, looked so good or been so healthy."
Lukekaa ja kommentoikaa! Kyllä ainakin tälle mimmille Kristan kroppa kelpaisi
Moni on ehkä tuohon jo törmännytkin, mutta linkitin sen nyt tännekin, ihan keskustelua herätelläkseni. Muutamalla lauseella referoituna, jutun kirjoittanut (ja siis kuvissa esiintyvä ) Krista Schaus pääsi upeisiin tuloksiinsa a)siirtymällä vähähiilarisempaan ruokavalioon b)siirtymällä voimatyyppiseen treeniin ja vähentämällä samalla treenikertojaan vain kahteen viikossa ja c)vähentämällä radikaalisti aerobisen treenin määrää. Less is more, kuten Krista tuossa jutussa toteaa.
Muutama suora lainaus:
"February 1999. What a good month that was! It marks the transition for me. I mustered up the guts to approach an aerobics instructor at my gym who had the look and the strength I was looking for. To my delight she advised that she just started training people and I would be her first client. She introduced me to the world of weight training and proper diet. She reduced my cardio program to 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. She gave me a consistent weight training program and a diet plan that freaked me right out! What?! Eat more protein and less breads and pasta. I couldn't understand how the heck I would lose body fat especially If I was doing less cardio. But, I reminded myself how amazing she looked, and she was nearly 20 years older than me and had two young children. It must work, I thought.
It did work. Within a few months I had lost 3% body fat and actually gained a few pounds of lean muscle. Wow! Who knew? Was it hard? You bet! I went through carbohydrate withdrawal when I started this new way of eating. All bran was heaven to me. Cottage cheese and fruit was a treat. I couldn't wait for my healthy pancakes (maple syrup) and post workout meals (corn flakes). But, it is worth the bargain. Don't get me wrong; I still get to have my cake and eat it too, just not every day. Everything is within moderation. But, the more you have those treats the more you want them. So, I learned I was better off not to have them at all.
OK. So it sound like my problems were solved just like that right? No. Not really. By the Spring of 1999 I was not feeling fulfilled by my workouts. Something was wrong. Something was missing. I was doing a bodybuilding type routine. Breaking body parts up. Weight training almost every day. Lots of sets, lots of reps, lots of overlapping and duplication. It just wasn't me. I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew there was something else out there for me that would fit my goals perfectly."
"In May 1999, Sean gave me a program to match my current goals including bench press, squats, high pulls, bent over rows, push press, farmer's walks and roman chair sit ups. That was it?! Training two days a week only. I was so confused again.
But he made me give it 6 weeks and if I hated it for whatever reason I was off the hook. So I very reluctantly and hesitantly agreed. I am so glad I did! I would never go back to the mainstream form of training. I have been training only 2 days a week for over a year now and I have never been so strong, looked so good or been so healthy."
Lukekaa ja kommentoikaa! Kyllä ainakin tälle mimmille Kristan kroppa kelpaisi