LEGEND 2. Invasion

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Huomenna räjähtää taas Legend iltama käyntiin. Alkuperäsestä suunnitelmasta poiketen A.Emelianenko on jouduttu korvaamaan pienen "käsirysyn" johdosta:D
Kohtuullisen kova kortti vaikka Alex jäikin tästä karkelosta pois.


Werdum on myös törkeen kokonen jätkä, kun vertaa vaikka Murriin joka sekään ei ole pienimmästä päästä. Jones näyttää myös isolta vaikka Testo-Kingi vieressä!

1. Reserve fight, K-1, -93 kg
Andrei Stoica VS Agron Preten

2. Super Fight, K-1, -70 kg:
Chingiz "Chinga" Allazov VS Warren Stevelman

3. Super Fight, ММА, -77 kg:
Eduard Vartanyan VS Florent Betorangal

4. Big 4 First Semifinal, K-1, -93 kg:
Zabit "Mowgli" Samedov VS Melvin "No Mercy" Manhoef

5. Big 4 Second Semifinal, K-1, -93 kg:
Sahak "Hak" Parparyan VS Pavel "Caiman" Zhuravlev

6. Super Fight, MMA, -77 kg:
Paul "Semtex" Daley VS Alexander "Bad Boy" Yakovlev

7. Super Fight, K-1, 93+ kg:
Badr "The Golden Boy" Hari VS Alexey "Red Scorpion" Ignashov

8. Super Fight, MMA, 93+ kg:
Alexey "The Boa Constrictor" Oleinik VS Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Mikäs tämä Alexanderin käsirysy oli? Mennyt kokonaan ohi multa.

Oli siitä tuolla uutis ketjussakin jo useampaan otteeseen kaikkine juonenkäänteineen. Ilmeisesti oli nyt tussautettu käteen ja jotain muuta normaalia:D

Aleksander Emelianenko told the promoters of this weekend’s LEGEND show that he could not participate because he had been “shot in the hand” during an altercation, according to a Russian-language report.

“Yes I admit he said this. As he put it, he was shot in a stairwell. But he didn’t show us the wound, it was not relevant to us. The decision to remove him from this weekend’s show was made not because of any injury. Rather, we realized that he was not prepared for a fight,” Ruslan Suleymanov tells ValeTudo.ru

Emelianenko was in the MMA headlines - and national Russian news - last month after getting into a drunken altercation in a café. It was the latest in a string of drink-related incidents which have given rise to the belief that the younger Emelianenko brother has a serious drink related problem.

After the latest incident, LEGENDS announced he was out of his long-awaited rematch with Mirko ‘CroCop’ Filipovic because he was in no condition to fight. Suleymanov didn’t want to get into talk of alcoholism but he did reveal that he had received numerous reports of Emelianenko’s haphazard training.

“We have seen how he baked bread in a monastery! With his beautiful beard, of course he inspired confidence. His wood carving was also good,” he said, referring to Emelianenko’s recent well-publicized stay in a Greek monastery.

“But seriously, I remain a man who believes the people, and me and my partner really had an inner hope that Aleksander was somewhat changed. And we were impressed by the confident desire on his part to return to fighting, and that he would connect with a young, unknown promotion like Legend.

“I can not deny that at times we experienced concern and did not feel 100% completely calm. But we could only put our trust in Sasha (Russian diminutive of Aleksander).”

A meeting arranged between the two sides after Aleks’ latest incident caused LEGENDS to pull the plug on the CroCop rematch. “He came in not quite sober, we could feel that even from a distance. We sat at the same table. He hadn’t had time to get back to normal after the café incident.”

“We didn’t talk about the details of the incident, I wasn’t interested. He stated the conversation by saying that he himself admitted the incorrectness of his behavior. He pleaded guilty in front of us… He requested us to transfer the fight [to another date].

“His hands were bandaged, we could see only the tips of the fingers. I have not had the opportunity to assess the severity of injuries. I had no desire to ask Aleksander to untie the bandages… He said he had been shot in the arm.

“During the discussion, knowing that he is ill-prepared to fight, not taken a disciplined approached to a serious fight, Aleksander suggested that we move the date of the event.

“I said, "Sasha, it's not a birthday party, it can not be moved. Its been a huge task, there are around 100 people from around the world attending as guests of honor. There are about 1,000 people engaged in preparation of LEGENDS.”

“In recent weeks, he hardly trained anywhere. Neither in Amsterdam or in Kislovodsk or Moscow. And what's more, having seen him in such an inadequate form , we were finally convinced that the fight had lost all appropriateness, especially with this opponent.”

LEGENDS takes place in Moscow, Russia this Saturday November 8 and features Badr Hari’s rubber match with Alexey Ignashov and Mirko ‘CroCop’ facing Aleksander’s replacement, the submission artist

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Aleksander Emelianenko is once again engaging with the police in his native Russia following yet another drunken incident.

He is accused of attacking a 63-year-old man in a Moscow bar following a dispute about the man’s volume.

The man, an army veteran, was celebrating his birthday was some friends. He alleges that Emelianenko took issue with the amount of noise coming from the table and immediately sprang into attack.

Emelianenko, via a spokesperson, denies the accusation and says that it was the man and his sons who started the violence following the initial interaction.

He initially avoided police attempts to contact him but in the end visited a police station voluntarily to give a statement.

Media were waiting on his doorstep when he finally exited the house – he spent 12 hours telling people to go away – and took the [below] snap of Emelianenko looking bloated and disheveled.


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Suht kovia aikoja viimiset vuodet olleet tällaselle Cro Copin fanipojalle, eikä oikein tiedä mitä ajatella kun tulee ilmotus uudesta matsista. Vastassa on ihan pätevä venäläinen 8 matsin voittoputkessa, joista kaikki keskeytyksiä. No onneks Oleinik ei vaikuta kovin kovanyrkkiseltä kuitenkaan, mut tasan tarkkaan on taas syke katossa.

Toinen joka kiinnostaa on Ignashov vs Hari III, vaikkei luottoa Ignashoviin pahemmin löydy. Kai sitä toivoo jotain ihmettä. Ignashov oli aikoinaan todella lahjakas äijä josta piti tulla jotain suurta. Kaatu Aerts, Schilt, Bernardo ym. mut sit tuli pari mutkaa matkaan ja alkoi brenkkukin maistua. Siihen loppui se huipulla olo.

Toi Raging Bullin puhe sopii valitettavan hyvin tähän videoon:

Kortti olisi ollut kovempi vuonna 2003...

Sinne ei nyt valitettavasti päästä.
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Hauska toi Overeemin haastattelu tulkin kanssa tossa välissä. Kukaan ei ymmärtäny mitä toinen sanoi tossa metelissä.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

No se nyt on paha sanoa kuinka tosissaan Mirko oli ton fudujen antamisen kanssa, mutta ymmärrän logiikan jos UFC:llä ei ole mitään diilejä Legendin kanssa. Jonesin ja kumppanien ilmaantuminen pressiin ym. menee suoraan Legendin pussiin eikä välttämättä auta UFC:n Venäjän valloitusta. Ekaks tuli mieleen että tää olis joku UFC:n ja Legendin diili, mutta ottaen huomioon ne rahamiehet jotka on Legendinkin takana, on mahdollista että on yksinkertaisesti isketty niin paljon taalaa tiskiin että jätkät on tulleet.
Oon melko varma et Mirko luuli et tää on potkunyrkkeily-eventti kun ei noista venäläisistä ota selvää, joten tätä ei lasketa häviöksi, dun worry.
Vittu menny ohi kaikki ottelut... en jotenki noteerannu tätä eurooppa aikaa. :'/ oliko hyviä otteluita, ei haittaa spoilerit.. prkl.. noo eiköhä noi voi vaikka juutupesta väijyä... miten mirkon ottelu meni?
Vittu menny ohi kaikki ottelut... en jotenki noteerannu tätä eurooppa aikaa. :'/ oliko hyviä otteluita, ei haittaa spoilerit.. prkl.. noo eiköhä noi voi vaikka juutupesta väijyä... miten mirkon ottelu meni?

Mirkon ottelu meni huonosti yhtä sweeppiä lukuunottamatta. Eipä noissa muissakaan juhlimista ollut.

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