Kuumia juoruja: Titus ja Ryan juridisissa vaikeuksissa

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"Originally Posted by stryker
I was reading this today and called my source in Neveda. I NEVER post but rather just read. but this caught my attention. So I followed through.

This is what I was told by a reliable informat.

Dec 13th (The innocent till proven guilty by a court of law)...otherwords this is all speculation till then foolio's!
On the 13th of dec. The party in question took the life of a female and placed her in the trunk of a Jag and set it on fire. But never reported the car stolen and was questioned by the police later the next day when found. The party in question was found today to have purchased some liquid explosive on a credit card. Seven units from a local hardware store.

The party in question is claming it is all false. But other sources close to the party are saying they were in formed that night (13th) and said They was told it was related to Idenitiy Theft problem. There was no other option.

I was told off the record there was illegal compounds involved and the wife was heavliy under the medacation of the compound in question. And that the Manion was informed today as well.

Now other then that.......this is a small world. And we must never assume anything till it is proven true.
Please for the love of GOD, dont let this be true. I think the party in question is an awesome athlete and been an inspiration of mine for many years. As well as the wife involved in this debate. waiting as well for outcome......"

Mayhem Newbie
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Re: Rumor?! IFBB Pro and His Wife Arrested For Murder?!
i'm good friends with kelly, and was renting a house from she and craig. the rumors are true, that they are suspects, but they have not been arrested at this time. i saw them about 24 hrs after all this went down, that's all i'm going to say."
Joo, saa nähdä ovatko Titus ja Ryan syyllisiä? Vaikka mies on linnassa istunutkin, murhaa en uskoisi kaverin tekevän..?
[ Vaikka mies on linnassa istunutkin, murhaa en uskoisi kaverin tekevän..?[/QUOTE]

kuinka hyvin tunnet hänet?
lehtien ja netin kautta??:eek:

uskon miehet on eri miehiä:D
pexxi sanoi:
Vaikka mies on linnassa istunutkin, murhaa en uskoisi kaverin tekevän..?

Kyllä sä Tituksen persoonan tiedät. :D

En minäkään usko, että Graig olisi murhannut jonkun, mutta en olisi kyllä yllättynytkään jos niin ilmenisi.
saataahan se naapurin mukava toimitusjohtaja bemari-kravatti-mieskin murhata lapsensa ja vaimonsa,eikä sitä ainakaan kukaan olisi uskonut,"...avulias,reilu,kiltti ja aina kävelytti kaikkien mummoja ulkona,niin hieno seurakaveri eikä ikinä pahapäinen tai riitaisa...!!
Jos tossa jutussa ei olisi mitään perää tai yhtään totuutta mukana, niin melko varmasti tuolta huhulta olisi katkottu siivet jo ajat sitten ;)
zztop sanoi:
[ Vaikka mies on linnassa istunutkin, murhaa en uskoisi kaverin tekevän..?

kuinka hyvin tunnet hänet?
lehtien ja netin kautta??:eek:

uskon miehet on eri miehiä:D[/QUOTE]

Joo joo ja juupa juu...uraa olen seurannut hieman kauemmin kuin muut.. Heitto oli tuo minulta, hyvin voi olla syyllinen (tai syyllisiä) ja huonoltahan tuo näyttääkin..?

For days the bodybuilding rumor mill has buzzed with word of Craig Titus and wife Kelly Ryan being involved –- or not involved -- in a Las Vegas homicide.

FLEX just received the following press release from the Las Vegas Police Department. We’ll continue to update as developments occur.

December 21, 2005
EVENT #: 051214-0619


Lt. Tom Monahan
Homicide Section
Phone: 229-3521

On December 14, 2005 at approximately 4:40 a.m., a trucker was traveling on State Route 160 ( Blue Diamond Rd) from Pahrump toward Las Vegas, when he spotted a fire in the desert about a half-mile from the road. When firefighters extinguished the blaze, they observed what appeared to be human remains in the trunk of the car.

The remains were confirmed to be that of a human, and under the circumstances, it is being investigated as a homicide.


Investigation into above incident has resulted in arrest warrants being issued for three suspects.

1. Titus, Craig Michael, DOB: 01/14/1965, 5ft 8 inches, 225 lbs., brown hair with hazel eyes. Hair is very short.

2. Ryan, Kelly Ann, DOB: 07/10/1972, 5ft 3 inches, 120 lbs., brown hair with green eyes.

Titus has a no-bail arrest warrant charging him with murder and third degree arson.

Ryan has a no-bail arrest warrant charging her with accessory to murder and third degree arson.

A third suspect has been identified as 23 year old Anthony Gross. Gross is in custody and has been booked into the Clark County Detention Center on charges of accessory to murder and third degree arson.

Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan are husband and wife and were living in the southwest area of Las Vegas. Both are successful body builders and hold numerous titles in the body building and fitness industry.

At this time it is unclear where the two suspects may have fled.


nyt ne molemmat on saatu jo kiinni:

...it is correct. Actually Titus has been in custody for awhile. And Kelly was caught today.

Etta tammonen tapaus!!
Vissiin Titus on kuristanu sen muijan ja Kelly ollu niin helvetin tyhma etta alkanu auttaa sita ruumiinpolttopuuhissa. Siita on vissiin saatu videokuvaa ostamassa sytytysnestetta.

Kylla kannatti lahtea!
Ei saatana!! Jännäksi menee meininki....
Spekulaatiota Mayhemiltä:

"Originally Posted by OMNI
By Ron Avidan:

It is correct. Acutally Titus has been in custody for awhile. And Kelly was caught today. Now that the cat is out of the bag. truth be known-

The reason for the controlled delivery (LMAO...no pun intended) of info is because the Vegas area holds the Mr O. And powers to be need to be sure of information being leeked out is sweeped by quickly and controlled. The big show draws big revenue and a lot is at stake here. Including OTC supplements. Which sponser the fundage to keep it going. Not to mention the backlash of AAS talk to surface here from defense team.

I also got word that The Mrs was caught on tape buying the lighter fluid on her card. The manions and Flex have known since last saturday as well as many pros and contenders here. It seems that big business see's this as a very delicate matter. So for the sake of all...we are safe from a ban of bodybuilding so far!"

Juttu jatkuu:
Ja treeniguru Doggcrapin mietteitä:

"Doggcrapp is Online:
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Re: Rumor?! IFBB Pro and His Wife Arrested For Murder?!

I really dont like to partake in these kind of discussions but for Craig/Kelly's sake, this was posted on another board today by someone supposedly "in the know"

cut and pasted:

"I knew the girl Mellisa James, she has a violent BF named Ben, we believe it was him, she knew craig and kelly through my good friends, they would let her shack up there when she was on hard times or when she went to vegas from PC. Craig often let her drive his Jag."
Spekulaatiot jatkuvat kiivaina:

"tingchic is Online:
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Not sure if someone has already posted this.. but i found this on another board..

Their former roommate (MJ) had allegedly been using Kelly's identity and had been successful in getting a loan in her name. When Craig and Kelly found out, it was too late. The roommate had allegedly cashed the check and spent some of the money. Craig went ballistic. He allegedly strangled her and put the body in the trunk of Kelly's Jag. He paid Gross $300 bucks to take the car and burn it. Gross didn't know there was a body in the trunk and he allegedly torched the car with the lighter fluid Craig bought. Gross turned himself in when he learned on the news about the body in the trunk and he gave up Titus and Ryan."
Oikea rikollinen älykkö tuo Titus :rock:

Eikös siinä Casino-leffassa jo näytetty miten sinne aavikolle niitä kuoppia kaivetaan. Mutta että pistää ruumiin oman auton takahutlariin ja maksaa 300 taalaa kaverille auton polttamisesta :D Tuollainen idiootti sietää kyllä jäädä kiinni.

:offtopic: Tutkikohan CSI ton homman :kippis1:
On kyllä aivan uskomattoman huonosti toteutettu murha. En millään jaksa uskoa, että Titus olisi toiminut noin typerästi. Jos Titus kuitenkin on syyllinen ja joutuu linnaan, niin Steve Blechman varmaan tarjoaa mielellään uutta sopparia. Saadaan lisää katu-uskottavia linnakundeja MD:n riveihin.
Pink Spider sanoi:
On kyllä aivan uskomattoman huonosti toteutettu murha. En millään jaksa uskoa, että Titus olisi toiminut noin typerästi. Jos Titus kuitenkin on syyllinen ja joutuu linnaan, niin Steve Blechman varmaan tarjoaa mielellään uutta sopparia. Saadaan lisää katu-uskottavia linnakundeja MD:n riveihin.

Titus ei ole vähään aikaan kirjoittanut meidän lehteen, eikä luonnollisesti tule kirjoittamaan jatkossakaan.

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