BB PRO Jay Cutler

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Sustanooli sanoi:
Tuleeko kellekkään mieleen kehonrakentajaa jolla olisi paremmat reidet kuin Cutlerilla?


Gunterillä on hyvät reidet
dave Palumbolla kovat jalat, etenkin takareidet

Muhammed Benazicalla oli kanssa aikanaan kovat reidet

fuxilla on myös

victorilla myös todella isot

Jayllä erottuvuus reisissä on vaan niin mahtava


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Mustafallakin on aika friikit jalat :)

Jep - tämä mitäänsanomaton pienireitinen DeMayo on muuten ilmeisesti tekemässä comebackia.

Oli muuten silloin 1994(?) 253 pounds @ 5'10'' kun voitti pro-korttinsa. Taisi olla painavin pituuteensa nähden siihenastisista jenkkien pro-qualifier-voittajista.
Joo,tuo Palumbo on kyllä ihan friikki.Luin vanhemmasta BK fitnesistä jutun missä Palumbosta oli kuva tekemässä takareisi koukistuksia.Ihan sairaat urat,suonet ja lihasten erottuvuus.Jutun pointti oli kuitenkin kai se,että äijjä kehui syövänsä roskaruokaa kerran päivässä ettei kuihtuisi kokonaan pois.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Jayn frendin aatoksia Arnoldista:

The Instigator

Group: Moderators
Posts: 957
Joined: 03 Nov. 2002 Posted: Mar. 08 2004,23:40

Alright guys! You must have known that I would eventually say something about this past AC. First of all I'm really glad that Jay brought home his 3rd straight Arnold title (Obviously). Second, I just had a 20 minutes phone talk with Jay this morning as he was waiting for his plane at the Vegas airport on his way to Cali for photo shoot this week. I will see him Thursday or Friday to talk some more about the whole show but let me tell you this. He came in exactly the way he wanted too, PEELED! Nobody can deny that from the back, which is usually his problem area, he looked just as shredded and striated then Dex and his glutes and hamstrings were a LOT more detailled than Chris. I have to admit that Chris looked great, big and full but he got beat on conditionning by Jay. Period. Jay came in bigger and fuller at the O and the GNC and the penalized him for it so he busted his ass and showed EVERYONE that he could be just as conditionned as Dex but 30lbs heavier. Next time he needs to be a little more full but that's it. He did what he had to do and WON. If you don't beleive me, look at the back shots of Chris and Jay on the various websites, you'll see what I'm talking about. It's obvious. From the waist down, Chris's hams and gluts are not as detailled as I've seen them before while Jay's were striated so deep, I could hardly beleive it even though he told me he was like that. I was sitting right by Chad and Kim during pre-judging and even Chad said that it was hard to be any dryer than Jay was that day. I agree with the fact that Jay did sacrifice some size to get like that but that's what they wanted, that's what they got.
As far as I'm concerned, Jay won the Arnold fair and square and after some well deserved rest, he will come back not only as conditionned but also bigger and fuller. Watch!
Good job buddy.
Max. ";act=ST;f=15;t=10613;
Jay Cutlerin kuulumiset

Jay on ruvennut endorsaamaan MaxMusclea.. Ohessa juttua Mayhem-boardilta firman edustajan, Cutlerin ystävän puolesta:

Jayn kuulumiset ja juttua Arnoldista

The Instigator
Group: Moderators
Posts: 973
Joined: 03 Nov. 2002 Posted: Mar. 18 2004,07:11

Bates, he feels great. Like TP already said before he did what he had to do to get ultra conditionned for this show based on what happenned at the GNC. He has no regrets, there is nothing more he could have done for this show and it's always a great feeling when you can say that. We talked a lot about his new sponsor MuscleTech. He said that theses people were 1st class across the board, he had only good things to say about them. They have been trying to get Jay on board for a really long time and it shows. He is really happy with them and he thinks that he'll probably finish his career with them. He's gonna take a more than deserve break before getting ready for the Olympia. He'll probably come with a completely different look for the O than the Arnold. The Arnold served as a statement, to make sure that everyone knew that Cutler was and still is the rightful next heir to the Olympia throne.
Other than that we have talked about the possibility of opening a Max Muscle store in California together where Jay would spend at least 5-6 days a month to talk to his fans and help people reach their fitness goals, we are not sure where it would be yet but in Cali for sure. I think that this store would rock! That's it for the update. I'll keep you posted on new detail as long as I can.
Max. "
Mainittaakon myös, että MaxMusclen omistaja on entinen Mega-Pro:n perustaja. Firma jakaantui kahtia ja Dave Smith jäi pyörittämään Mega-Pro:ta ja toinen häiskä MaxMusclea...
Anssi Manninen sanoi:
Ei ollut muuten enää Jay Cutlerin kolumnia uusimmassa MD:ssa (ei ole vielä ilmestynyt), mutta en tiedä liittyykö mitenkaan sponssikuvioihin.

Harmin paikka, ettei mun suosikki kolumnia ole enää MD:ssä!! Juuri kun tilasin lehden. :curs:

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