Jay Cutler - One Step Closer

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
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Rajulta kyllä näyttää kunto! Jos pystyy tulemaan olympiaan suhteessa yhtä kovassa kunnossa niin jotain laitetaan kyllä uusiksi...

"Phartz Thoughts on "One Step Closer"


I sat down and watched it yesterday. Overall I will say it’s probably the best bodybuilding movie I’ve seen in awhile. I’ve seen all of Jays films as well as all of Ronnies, and I can easily say it’s a better than those. I know a lot of people were wondering if Jay trains heavy in the movie, or if he just pussy’s around for the camera, well he definitely is going all out in this video. The video starts four weeks out from the Olympia, and shows how Jay mentally and physically prepares for the contest. The great part about the video is how it isn’t all gym footage, rather it goes from hardcore training to Jay playing with his dogs, cooking food, shopping, etc.

In my opinion, the reason “One Step Closer” is so different from Jays last videos, is because Jay seems to enjoy interacting with the camera and explains things a lot more, he also appears a lot happier compared to previous videos. I liked seeing the backstage footage of the Olympia, and it was interesting to see how quiet and calm it is backstage before the big show. You don’t really see Jay interact with other bodybuilders, he just seems focused on what he has to do on stage. Although, they don’t show his onstage Olympia routine, they do show Jay immediately after the contest, and how disappointed his is after taking second place. He kept saying “this is bullshit, bullshit”. Following the Olympia, there is a “celebration” dinner with Jays family and friends. And the next morning, the go out for breakfast.

During the film, he drops some funny/random facts, like how he only uses plastic silverware because the he doesn’t like hot silverware on his teeth, and he also said he brushes teeth 10 times a day, also while dieting for the Olympia he was eating about 30 pound of fish every week. During the segment of “Jays Typical Day”, it shows what Jay does on from day to day (outside the gym), like shopping at Costco, preparing his meals, filling out all the orders from his website (yes, he does all the packaging and mailing). In fact, while autographing some photos, he mentions a random fan named Joshua Carter from Arkansas, just to show that he indeed personally signs everything himself. After that, he goes and cashes his Mr. Olympia check at the bank ($93k), and while making small talk with the bank teller, he jokingly says that the Olympia is “fixed” and “the same guys wins every year”. At the end of the second DVD, there is a 6 minute “outtakes” segment which is good for a few laughs.

I skipped over a lot of time, but with literally hours of training footage, it’d be hard to cover everything. But overall, it was a pretty good flick. $35 for 6 hours of video isn’t too bad. I would have liked to seen a better DVD cover, but other than that I can’t complain.

If you have any questions before you buy it, feel free to ask. "
Saatavana tällä viikolla Suomesta.
Kipi I sanoi:
Jay laittanu kuvan perusteella kaiken peliin :D Jonsei nyt ronnie kaadu niin ei koskaan.
Eihän se Ronska kaatunut kuitenkaan. DVD kuvattiin ennen viime Olympiaa.;)

edit. Jay on kyllä hienossa kunnossa noissa kuvissa.
Tiedoksi Cutler faneille ettei hän aio tehdä offseason treenidvd:tä. Hänen mielestään ihmiset eivät ole kiinnostuneista siitä ja ihan sama mitä hän nostelee dvd:ään niin se ei kuitenkaan ole tarpeeksi joillekin faneille.
"One Step Closer" arvostelua part. 1

Ei hoeta Lait.Weit.Beibiä tässä leffassa. Jay Cutler antaa itsestään entistä ammattimaisemman ja tinkimättömämmän kuvan uudessa elokuvassaan One Step Closer. Signeerattu versioni saapui postissa eilen enkä ole koko leffaa ehtinyt katsoa. Ensikatsomalta "extramateriaalit" olivat huippulaatua ja mielenkiintoista katsottavaa..kestoltaan arvioisin n.2 tuntia!! Treeniosiot ovat tiukkaa kamaa, vaikka painot eivät tietenkään puristeille vältä. Samoin extroja on niin paljon, että "arvokasta" treenauskuvaa jää paljon näkemättä;) Itseäni tämä ei kylläkään haittaa, onhan leffan kokonaiskesto 5,55 h!!

Materiaalia jota olen nähnyt:

Paikallisen radioaseman haastattelu, jossa Jay kertoo paljon valmistaumisestaan vuoden 2005 Olympiaan.

Kunnon vilautusta salilla Chris Aceton katsellessa salilla ja materiaalia Cutlerin taloudesta päivää kahta ennen Olympiaa.

Lisää segmenttiä Jayn kotoa, koirien ulkoiluttamista etc.

"Jay Cutlerin tyypillinen päivä" osiossa mies käy ostoksilla, laittaa ruokaa, juttelee dieetistään etc. Lunastetaan 103 tuhannen taalan shekki Olympian johdosta pankissa ja tällaista meille kaikille tuttua juttua :=)

Tähän mennessä tässä olivat kommenttini. Olen Team Cutler miehiä, mutta täytyy todeta, etten tämän täydellisempää dvd:tä, joka kuvaa monia aspekteja ammattilaiskehonrakentajan elämästä, ole aiemmin nähnyt. Jay Cutler on älykäs liikemies, joka toimii lajillemme erittäin hyvänä puhemiehenä maailmalla. Crackia ei olla poltettu eikä polteta!!:rock:
Kiitos Pexxi arvostelusta! Kyllä tämä meikälle riittää vakuutukseksi. Pitää tilata One step closer BFO 05:n yhteydessä.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Karpaasi85 sanoi:
Kiitos Pexxi arvostelusta! Kyllä tämä meikälle riittää vakuutukseksi. Pitää tilata One step closer BFO 05:n yhteydessä.

Jees no problem...laittelen jatkoarvostelua lähipäivinä...
Joko pexxi on katsellut treeniosuuksia?
Pro-Pain sanoi:
Joko pexxi on katsellut treeniosuuksia?

En vielä ihan kaikkea, mutta yritän puskea arvostelua ulos tänään.
Uutta arvostelua:

"Jay's "one step closer" a review
Jay Cutler
One Step Closer

This is, in my opinion the best dvd that I have ever watched. At just under 6 hours in length it also the longest dvd made of a solo subject. Since its so long and diverse in chapters I shall break down my review in subject matter.

Lets discuss the training segments. In “New, Improved, and Beyond,” Jay is massive, in “Ripped to Shreds,” Jay is, well Ripped. In this new dvd, Jay has combined the size, and the ripped condition. His first workout is back, and he weighs in around 280 lbs. Yet he shows off an amazingly ripped and shredded physique. Its filmed 3 and 1/2 weeks out from the 2005 Mr. Olympia. Some bodybuilders look ok at 4 weeks out, Lee Priest and Gustavo, look a little smooth as if they still need some time to really get shredded. You begin to see the striations, but not deep deep cuts. Ronnie and Jay both are ripped at 4 weeks out. I remember watching the Muscletech videos, and in a round table discussion with 7-8 several pro’s, Jay was the only one to say he still measures his portions of food while dieting. Well folks you better listen to Jay, he knows, and it shows!
At this weight with 3 ½ weeks to go, Jay is already looking better then last year. His weights are extremely heavy, going up to 500lbs for deadlifts, 140 lbs one arm rows (for 12), and t-bar rows in the corner with 45’s all the way to the end of the bar. His back workout is truly hardcore. Jay is also a believer in high volume and he does a lot of exercises and sets. One of my favorite scenes is the T-bar row in the corner. The gym owner comes over and asks if Jay is ok after his last intense set. Jay’s like, “I’m doiong it for the video man, gotta show them how we do it at Gold’s gym.”
His next workout is delts, calves, and abs. He hits all these bodyparts hard. Some exercises are new to the viewer, like standing military presses. Seated side laterals are a treat to watch, especially if you like delts so ripped and shredded you can see every fiber!
Front raises, rear delt machines, oh and don’t let me forget the rear laterals standing with cables. A med student could study anatomy using Jays back during this exercise!!!
His calves of course are unreal! And believe it or not he hits abs as hard as any other bodypart.
Chest, Arms, and Legs were all shot after the Olympia. For chest and arms, Jay is weighing in around 290 lbs, and he is still ripped, except now he is super full. An argument could be made he should have stepped on stage in that condition. But Jay wouldn’t have done that, Jay has to be ripped to shreds. But in these training segmants, Jay is so full and still ripped that he is totally awesome looking. He is a true beast! Again lots of sets and reps, and lots of weight too. The main thing is to just watch this man train, he really possess a super hero type physique. Its like watching the incredible Hulk come to life off of the pages of a Marvel Comic book!!!
His leg routine is shot in December and Jay is weighing almost 295 lbs. He has lost some of his Olympia conditioning, but none of his intensity. Walking lunges, Front squats with 405, Leg presses with a lot of 45’s ect ect ect.
I also love how Jay gives little points of wisdom throughout the workout, but doesn’t explain so much that it gets boring. Like how he explains the importance of stretching. Or how he talks about the contraction, and not to use too much weight. Or how he ploves to pull weight from off the floor. Its just enough to keep the viewer entertained. Also, Jay racks his own weights!!! I’m not talking just before the exercise, but the man puts his weights away too.

This dve also contains some never before seen stuff showing you the viewer a glimpse into Jays life. There is a radio show that Jay appears on that’s rather interesting. He plays around with the DJ’s and others in the studio and you learn that Jay never takes himself too seriously.
There is a “day in the life” segment which is pretty cool. We see Jay shopping at Cosco’s, and packing his meat away for the week. Also cooking his next few meals. How he uses scissors to cut his meat and poultry because its easier that way. How strictly he stays on a good diet, even 3 weeks after the Olympia. Then we see him fill orders from his mail order business, and run to the post office to mail them off. Pretty interesting since this is how I got my dvd!
There is an awesome segment of Jay the day before the Olympia. He is accompanied by Chris Aceto, as the pose at the gym and at home. Also more tanning, and carbing up. Even washing his hair! Not to mention loads of posing!!
We see how he plays with his dogs and how they go after their favorite toy know as the “CUZ.” We see all the fish, and chicken in the freezer!! And not to forget his stash of cheat snacks like Boo Berry cereal and Rice Crispie treats! Or his mom’s home made banana bread and cookies!
The backstage footage is awesome too. Jay getting ready for prejudging sitting there very, very confident. At one point Jay has oiled up and pumped up and he walks by a seated, clothed, Ronnie, eating some fruit jelly. At this point neither man even acknowledges the other! The heat of Battle!!!!

One of my favorite scenes is backstage after Jay was awarded 2nd place. Jay quietly walks over to his chair and places his check and medal in his bag. He is asked for an interview and he politely say “sure, give me a minute though.” A few people come up, and one person whispers something in his ear. Jay says “its bullshit.” Jay is not a whiner. Nor is he one to complain and *****. In this segment you truly feel for the man. He has worked harder then anyone, dieted more strict then ever before, took his body to the edge. He sits in the chair and must be thinking to himself what is a man to do. What can I do to win this contest. I feel he truly believed he should have won, that he deserved to win. But it’s the quiet intensity in his eyes that tells the viewer this. Jay would never throw his trophies or swear and cuss. He quietly disapproves and vows to return. It’s a rare look into a champion who rarely sees defeat, but never loses the drive to be number one!

This has to be my favorite dvd in my entire collection. I can watch it over and over again. I highly recommend it to everyone."
"One Step Closer" arvostelua part. 2

Vielä on tästä monumentaalisen pitkästä leffasta osa katsomatta, mutta päätin kirjoittaa tämän kakkososan arvostelustani silti.

Ensimmäisessä osassa käytiin lävitse extroja, joista mainitsematta jäivät vielä Jayn juhladinneri ja poseeraukset. Elikä Olympian jälkeen näytetään pätkää Jayn ja lähimpien ystävien apeasta ruokahetkestä...apeus johtuu luonnollisesti 2. sijan aiheuttamasta pettymyksestä. Myös Olympiasta luvassa on backstagekuvaa ja pettyneen Jayn "Bullshit" toteamuksia ystävilleen.

Treeniosuuksissa mielenkiintoista on se, että ne ovat kaikki kuvattu eri aikoina, eli muutaman viikon tai jopa kuukauden välein. Tavallaan tämä on puoliksi offseason leffa, koska esim. juuri taustalla pyörivässä chest-treeniosiossa miehellä on marraskuun treeneissä painoa yli 132 kg!! Eli Jay nähdään näissä osuuksissa aika kovissa massoissa!! Osa mies on kireänä treeniosuuksista mutta osassa taas ei..tämä muuten lienee yksi syy leffan viivästymiseen, koska näitä osuuksia kuvattiin vuodenvaihteeseen saakka!!

Treeneissa miehen kunto on valtavan kova, samoin myös commintment! Ukko huutaa miltei joka liikkeissä ja tekee paljon enemmän oldskool tyylistä vapailla painoilla tehtyä treeniä. Painoja saavat sitten muut arvostella, mulle ne riittivät varsin hyvin. Kovalla intensiteetillä, raivolla ja painoilla mennään. Poseerausosuuksia on eri painoisena ajoittain treenien lopuksi ja näissä myös mielenkiintoista asiaa kunnosta ja muusta. Jayn nälkäinen katse ja raskaitten rautojen kalske täyttävät ennen Olympiaa kuvatut osuudet. Kisojen jälkeen intensiteetti pysyy myös kovana.

Kaikenkaikkiaan pirun kova leffa. Itse tykkään extramatskuista valtavasti, koska ne kuvaavat hyvin ammattilaisen arkea treenien lisäksi. Tämä dvd hakkaa mielestäni esim. Badellin leffan mennen tullen..sen sain tuossa lahjaksi..Badellia väheksymättä kuitenkaan. Tässäpä tämä olikin, kannattava hankinta Cutlerin faneille ja muillekin!!

Arvosanana :5:

Pakkohankinta Pakkislaiset!!:rock:

PS. Leffassa vilahtaa muuten Tony Pearson, tuttu nimi lajia pidempään seuranneille.
Tämän hetkisten arvostelujen perusteella pakkohankinta.
Joo kyllä se kannattaa hommata. Kattava kuvaus Cutlerin arjesta!
Lisää arvosteluja?
Pro-Pain sanoi:
Lisää arvosteluja?
Ei hirveesti jouda tämä poika arvosteleen ,mutta sanotaan näin että paras "Bodydvd" mitä oon nähny!!(ja näitähän on katsottu)Pakkohankinta kaikille:kippis1: :thumbs:


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