Jay Cutler - One Step Closer

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit



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34 724
Täh, taas kynäniska DVD :D

Eikös se J luvannut jo aikoja sitten sen bulkilla kuvatun pätkän, missä rauta liikkuu ja ukko juuttuu ovenkarmeihin kiinni.
Noh, tälläkään kertaa ei tullut sitä offipätkää, mutta odotan innolla että saako Jay taas mielenkiintoisen pätkän aikaan(New&Beyond and Improved). Ripped to shredshän oli käsittämätön pettymys.
Olisihan se ollut hienoa nähdä kunnon offseason treenipätkä isojen romujen kimpussa mutta taitaa olla niin että enimmistö faneista haluaa kuitenkin katsoa suosikkikehonrakentajiaan tiukassa kunnossa. Nähtäväksi jää pystyykö Jay tarjoamaan mitään uutta tällä kertaa.
Dvd:n kuvaukset aloitettiin 4 viikkoa ennen vuoden 2005 Olympiaa. Dvd:llä edetään kisaan asti, myös aamuposeeraus klo 5 aamulla jne. Mitsuru sanoi, että tämän tulee olemaan yksi parhaista hänen kuvaamistaan dvd:istä.
DVD:n pitäisi ilmestyä 19. päivä.
Jayltä on kumminkii tullu jo kolme näitä videoita missä ollaan kireessä kunnossa niin ois nyt voinu jo melkein tehä offi videon IMO.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Nyt sitä saa! Suomeen tilauksesta kannattaa tiedustella mailitse!

"Jay's latest DVD, One Step Closer, is now available! This 2 DVD set is approximately 5:49 hours of bodybuilding action. See Jay prepare for the 2005 Mr. Olympia and take an in-depth look at the lifestyle of one of the sport's greatest athletes.

Go to http://www.jaycutler.com/ to order yours today.

Team Cutler"

Kuva: www.jaycutler.com
No ei voi ainakaan olla tylsempi ku Jayn edellinen DVD joten parempaa voi odottaa. Ainakin mainosten perusteella mielenkiintoista materiaalia muun muassa olympia backstagelta,after partyista, ravintojutuista jne. Niin harvoin viitsii noihin bodyvideoihin sijoittaa että tuskin tähänkään. Sitten kun Branch nakkaa oman treenivideonsa myyntiin niin se täytyy kyllä hankkia.
Cutlerin treeniä:


9-19-05 / 283lbs

-Front Pulldowns
-One Arm Rows
-Bentover Rows
-Seated Rows
-Incline Dumbbell Rows
-Standing Cable Rows
-Machine Rows


9-29-05 / 279lbs

-Standing Calf Raises
-Seated Machine Calf Raises
-Seated Side Laterals
-Barbell Presses
-Cable Side Laterals
-Dumbbell Front Raises
-Rear Delt @pecdeck
-Rear Delt @cable
-Dumbbell shurgs
-Dumbbell Upright Rows
-Machine Crunhes


11-07-05 / 292lbs

-Dumbbell Incline Presses
-Flat Bench Press
-Incline Bench press
-Decline Bench press
-Pec Deck
-Dumbbell Pull Overs


11-07-05 / 290lbs

-Rope Pushdowns
-Close Grip Bench Press
-Wide Grip Pushdowns
-Overhead Extensions
-Reverse Grip Pushdowns
-Preacher Curls
-Alt. Curls
-Barbell Curls
-One Arm Preacher Curls
-Hammer Curls
-Machine Preacher Curls


12-17-05 / 293lbs

-Leg Extensions
-Leg Press
-Hack Squats
-Front Squats
-Walking Lunges
-Leg Extensions
-Seated Leg Curls
-Lying Leg Curls
-Dumbell Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
-Wide Stanced Leg Press
-Standing Leg Curls
"Originally Posted by vanillagorilla
AWESOME. It is one hell of a dvd. Covers everything. You see Jay train, you see Jay eat, you see Jay shop at Costco for the week, You see Jay cook, several meals at that. You see Jay the morning before the Olympia, you see Jay mail off dvd's and books. You will see Jay's check for the olympia and him making deposits. You'll see his family, his best friend, you'll even see Dave aka Madmax, hey whats up dog? You'll even see Jay get his hair washed.

6 hours baby. 6 hours of raw Cutler footage. Awesome. At first when I seen the training layout I thought that was insane, but actually its not as bad as you think. Even though he performs that many exercises, he only does 2-3 sets of each. Still its a lot of volumel, but its not as bad as it looks. I think this is by far the best Cutler dvd that has come out to date. I own all 4 dvd's he has came out with and this one is number 1.

He states in the dvd that after the Arnold Classic he will begin filming his first Off season dvd. So that should be very interesting. I think every pro dvd should be made like this. This is a first of its kind to actually see the in depth life of the pros. Rather you like Jay's physique or not, or have doubts of the guy, this dvd will change your mind. This dvd shows you the guy is a very stand up dude. He reprensents the sport well. A class act. You can tell he is straight up and has a true love for his fans.

A little story to you guys. Around Jan. I was watching BFTO 05 Vegas edition, and my friend liked the Jersey Branch Warren was wearing, the Muscletech one. He told me how he wished he had one of those. So I tried to email Branch, but could not find his email addy. So since his shirt said TeamMuscletech, I decided I would ask Jay. I emailed Jay about the issue and he told me that he would just mail me his shirt as long as I paid for the shipping. So I sent him the shipping fee and sure nuff, he mailed me the jersey. It wasn't the same jersey that Branch wore, but it was still awesome. The shirt he mailed me was actually the shirt he was wearing when he trained Delts in the dvd. When he trains delts he is wearing a black tank top, then he takes it off. Right before he trains his traps he puts on a gray sleeve less Muscle Tech shirt. That same shirt he has in the dvd is the one he sent me. Cool huh? Of course it was washed, lol. But I thought that was the coolest thing. I got the shirt way before this dvd came out, and it makes it even better now knowing that he wore that shirt in the dvd. Pretty cool in my book. All I did was simply ask him how to get one of those MuscleTech shirts. Didn't ask him for his or anything. He just simply offered. That is pretty damn cool in my book. And when you guys watch this dvd you will see how truly cool this dude is.

Buy this DVD. It is the shit. I see people post all the time statements like: If I had to buy One dvd what should I but? Well people, your question is now answered. This is it. There is no question about it. I thought Ronnie's Cost of Redemption was great because it somewhat featured the lifestyle of Coleman going out to eat and things like that, but it was rather repitious. This dvd here is not. Like I said it shows him shopping for the week and cooking his meals step by step. No quick camera angels or cut offs, everything is right there for you to see. Even Jay cutting the meat up and everything. It doesn't get any better than this.

Thank you Jay,

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