IFBB - Fit Model Women and Fit Model Men

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M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit


Jahas mitas seuraaavaks? IFBB dad body kisa, ettei nyt vahingossakaan ole lihasta ja etta laskia on terveellisen paksu kerros?

Tuo video kylla vetaa sanattomaksi....
Ei paniikkia. Ilmeisesti IFBB on jo jossain kokouksessaan päättänyt, ettei laji tule virallisesti IFBB:n ohjelmaan, eli esimerkiksi MM- kisoissa ja EM- kisoissa laji ei ole. W Schober FB:ssä Itävallan liiton sivuilta:
"Big excitement on FB about a DEMONSTRATION of "Fitness Models" for MEN and Women at the Kevin Levrone Pro event last weekend in Poland. For your information to all members of our IFBB-AUSTRIA FB group:
The ExCo of the EBFF (European FBB) has rejected the incorporation of these categories for Europe (I was there). Its the decision of the national federations wether to organize them as DEMONSTRATIONS at their events or not. Some countries do, others don´t. The IFBB-Austria will wait for reactions to and experiences of other countries with these demonstrations."

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