Grand Theft Auto IV - Traileri

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Komppaan. Säästää hermoja jos joutuu hinkkaamaan jotain tehtävää sen 4+ kertaa.
Itsellä ei ole mitään korkeita odotuksia pelin suhteen, San Andreaskin tuntu vaisulta Vice Cityn jälkeen, erityisesti tarinan osalta. Onko tässä miten hyvä tarina jos vertaa kahteen edelliseen?
Mun mielestä tarina oli tosi hyvä, parasta pelissä. Sisältöä vaan on harmittavan vähän pelialueen kokoon suhteutettuna. Eikä pakokaasunkatkuisessa ja betonisessa Liberty Cityssä ole lähellekään samanlaista tunnelmaa kuin Vice Cityssä ja 80-luvussa.
Tarina oli hyvä joo. Siihenpä se tahto jäähäkki. En oo kertaakaan pelannu sen jälkeen ku läpi meni, paljo kiinnosta jotain puluja ammuskella.
On tullut kaikkia aiempia osia hakattua ihan kiitettävästi tietokoneella. Aattelin että odotetaan nyt että tulee koneelle, mutta tuli käytyä kaverilla kattomassa peliä niin seuraavana päivänä sitä sitten löysikin boxin ja gta:n kotoa :D Yllättävän hyvin toimii konsolillakin ajamiset ja ampumiset.

On se vaan saatanan hyvä, toki aina jotain valitettavaa löytyy ja gtan piirteet on säilyneet niin hyvässä kuin pahassa. Varsinkin liikenne ja autoilu on muuttunu reilusti, vahinkomallinnus on ihan pirun komeeta. Hyvin huomaa myös eroa jonkun perusauton ja vaikka cometin välillä muutenkin kuin nopeudessa. Ysisatanen prätkäkään ei enää ole se ykkösvalinta joka tilanteeseen, aika fataalia menoa nykyään tuo pyöräily :D Tulitaistelu systeemi on varsin toimiva ja etenkin räjähdykset on kyllä niin nannaa että usein pitää vähän kranaatteja nakella autojen alle.

Juoni ja henkilöt on tuttuun tapaa hyvää settiä ja puhelin sekä kaverit hyviä uudistuksia. Sa:n neekerimeiningistä pitäneenä ois kyllä mahtavaa saada uusi gta aiheesta.
Innolla odotellaan seuraavaa vetoa rockstarilta.

Mite pitkää toi peli oikee tulee tuolta play.comista....
Tai sit menee pidempää.. nopeemmin tulee peli ku menee lähimpään kauppaan ja hakee pelin pois. ;)
Kerran kesti yks dvd tuleminen yli kk mutta se olikin viime joulun alla. Muut on tullu alle vkossa. on kyllä hyvä liike ei siin mitä.
Tääl noi vitun pelit on dubattu saksaks, en ota riskiä ja maksa 69e saksankielisestä pelistä. 50egellä saan himaan takuulla uk-version, toivotaan ettei ole pätkitty.
Tääl noi vitun pelit on dubattu saksaks, en ota riskiä ja maksa 69e saksankielisestä pelistä. 50egellä saan himaan takuulla uk-version, toivotaan ettei ole pätkitty.

Mistä se muuten johtuu? Eikö jengi osaa siellä englantia oikeasti yhtään?

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Mistä se muuten johtuu? Eikö jengi osaa siellä englantia oikeasti yhtään?
Oon hieman jäävi sanomaan kun asunu 6kk thaikuissa ja reissannu sitä ennen vain ranskassa, joissa ei kummassakaan puhuta käytännössä lainkaan englantia. Helkkarin hyvin jengi osaa ainakin täällä Münchenissä enkkua mutta eikai ne halua puhua tai muuta. Tietty eihän suurin osa näistä muista sakuistas kait osaa sitten juuri lainkaan.

Pitäs ostaa joku vaik käytettynä noista "komplett Deutsch" merkatuista peleistä niin selviäis se. MGS4 on ihan englanniks mikä tuli PS3:sen mukana mutta siinäkin on kait saksaks tekstitykset jos ps3-asuinmaaksi on valkattu Saksa.
GTAIV PC:lle? Aika hyvin vedätetty jos on totta....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Why this happened...
So my compadré was getting annoyed with me while I was sitting in the room playing Grand Theft Auto IV for the 360. Apparently I was ruining the story for him, and I might have kept taunting him about the lack of GTA4 for the PC. He was pissed at possibly no version ever for the PC and had the bright idea to concoct an email and fill it was lies about him being able to play the game on his PC. We researched an all-in-one TV/computer so that any research would leave them wondering if this problem was a serious security breach, or just the random emailer being incompetent.

At 5:42am he wrote them from the pseudonym "Scotty C"
"I recently downloaded your free version of Grand Theft Auto IV for the PC. Despite your unique instructions on how to get it to play, it has performed great. The first person driving view is simply amazing and the Nico Bellic character really makes me feel like I'm living the storyline. So much so that I feel bad in finding something to complain about, that being the surround sound. At times the back left speaker cuts out, specially when characters like little Jacob are speaking. Also when I call 911, the automated response starts, but cuts out when I am given emergency options. I am using a Sony Vaio LT VGCLT23E all-in-one desktop, an NVIDIA Geforce processor, and the Sony sound reality with external RCA speakers. Could it be that the speakers are simply not the same Sony brand? They work perfectly with my other applications. So I have to assume it's your game. I hope you can resolve this issue for me, your website was no help. It's a shame the multi-player isn't available for PC in the free version, but I can live with that, I don't want to be picky. Thank you for any help you can provide.Scotty C"

The next night when I saw him, he quickly told me that he sent it and had me check to see if there was a response from Rockstar. We got the following:
Date: Mon Jun 9 05:42:26 2008
From: Rock Star Support
Subject: grand theft auto IV technical issue [Incident:080609-000134]

Your question has been received. You should expect a response from us within 24 hours.

To update your question from our support site, click here.

Typical Auto response email, but lo and behold we also had another response already:

Date: Mon Jun 9 09:01:34 2008
From: Rock Star Support
[ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ]
Subject: grand theft auto IV technical issue [Incident: 080609-000134]

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support centre. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next 7 days.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

To update your question from our support site, click here.

grand theft auto IV technical issue

Discussion Thread
Response (Anthony) 09/06/2008 10.01 AM

Currently there isn't a PC release of GTA IV, especially not a free to download one.

Would you please be able to give details of the website from which you downloaded the Games.

Kind Regards

2K Games Tech Support

Ahh....we got a person to respond, and at this point we hoped we had them hooked. 10:01am and they had already responded. Must have been a high priority email, or there was very little other tech support needed. We were hoping for the former. At this point we had a little discussion . We were going to need to come up with a distraction email that still gave them the impression we really had a PC copy of the game.

It read as follows:

Customer (Scoop Man) 10/06/2008 5.27 AM
Doesn't the website pay you to distribute the game? They didn't charge me anything. I thought
it was because the game did not include all the other options like multi player or PC technical help
on your website. Much like buying a used car, it is as-is. Sometimes you get a 30 days warranty
but a car is not the same as a computer game. I will look for the website I got it from, if I can't find
it I will ask my friend to send it to me again. I don't have time to search for it at the moment as I
must leave for work.

Is it possible our confusion is that I have emailed the wrong company?? I wanted to contact Rockstar
but your name has '2k games' after it.

Thank you for responding so promptly!
Scotty C

He is a slight comedian, I personally enjoyed the random rant about used cars.
They responded with some information we really weren't expecting. An admission to the game being in development and not yet even announced.

Date: Tue Jun 10 08:07:24 2008
From: Rock Star Support
[ Add to Address Book | Block Address | Report as Spam ]
Subject: grand theft auto IV technical issue [Incident: 080609-000134]

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support centre. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next 7 days.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

To update your question from our support site, click here.

grand theft auto IV technical issue

Discussion Thread
Response (Anthony) 10/06/2008 09.07 AM

Rockstar and 2K Games are both parts of Take Two Interactive, you have corrected the right company.

The PC version of GTA IV has not even been announced for release and is still in development so is not about to be released on a website we have no knowledge of. Have you got another version of GTA? There are other versions that are available on-line, the list are below, could it be one?
GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas

If it's not one of these and it is (somehow) a Pc version of GTA IV, you can see why we would like to know the website address

Kind Regards

2K (And Rockstar) Games Tech Support

W00T! We had them hook line and sinker. We found the "2K (And Rockstar)" signature quite hilarious. We are thinking that the portion of the response with the 'list' was
from someone other than 'Anthony', some higher up who told him to send that to make
absolutely sure. Gotta be some guys there saying: No way! So I got back to them...

Date: Wed Jun 11 05:35:26 2008
Subject: RE: grand theft auto IV technical issue [Incident: 080609-000134]

Do you think we're talking about different games? I am speaking of Grand Theft Auto IV with Nico
Bellic as the primary character. The game that was released recently. Is it possible that the video
game version also works on the PC or that someone figured out how to make it function properly?
I downloaded a torrent file and followed the instructions in your included readme file called crack
something where after a couple mistakes I was able to install and play the game on my PC.

Do you just want the website or where the file is or what program I used to get it? I am still waiting
for my friend to send me that information again. He is traveling this week. I am going to see if I can
update my audio on my PC and fix the problems.

Have a good day!
Scotty C

Date: Wed Jun 11 07:32:16 2008
grand theft auto IV technical issue

Discussion Thread
Response (Richard)

This is an illegal way to play the game. We have not yet officially released the game for the PC so we cannot give you any support on a cracked version of the game.

Damn, not the response we were hoping for, Richard isn't as fun as Anthony. Is it illegal to play a game that doesn't exist? The hook is coming loose, time to see if they're still interested...

Date: Thu Jun 12 05:33:33 2008
Subject: RE: grand theft auto IV technical issue [Incident: 080609-000134]

If that's true, Richard, I should contact the website and tell them what they're doing is wrong.
I feel deceived. My friend finally sent me the details and I was able to find it again. It's not right
that they give out the free version of the game before it's released. Are you also with Rockstar
games technical support?

On a positive note, I have managed to resolve all of my audio issues! The 911 assistance no
longer cuts out and I can hear all of the options. Everything is working perfectly now. Please
tell Anthony that I'm sorry if I wasted his valuable time. You guys make the best games!

Have a good day.
Scotty C

Surely they should be happy that I have successfully resolved my supposed audio issues. Maybe I'll get someone more fun than Richard today, no doubt a response will come soon and I'll have to put up or shut up...

Date: Thu Jun 12 07:35:18 2008
Response (Richard)

Can you tell us which website you downloaded the game from so we can pass it on to someone in the company and try to get it stopped?

Right to the point, huh? I guess it's time to put up. Put up a wild goose chase that is.

Date: Fri Jun 13 05:49:29 2008
Subject: RE: grand theft auto IV technical issue [Incident: 080609-000134]

That's a good idea. The website that I went to was (edited out). I think the reason I
had so much trouble getting it again is because the page also is called (edited also) at the top which
is a bit confusing. The file was almost impossible to find again as it was not labeled like it is supposed to
be. It doesn't say PC on it at all but somehow people know what it is. I don't see why that one is such
a big secret when I can see there are so many other free download files. I don't know how users can
sort through all of this, I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to figure this out if I wasn't shown exactly
where it was.

Does this help you out? When will the full PC version be released? I'm eager to try out all the options, specially
the multi player. I'll be first in line to get it, it is fantastic so far!

Have a good one!
Scotty C

Looks like this is coming to an end, so I picked a couple of sites that will keep them busy as beavers looking for the magical PC version of the game. I didn't see
the point in throwing their names out here. The response came back quicker than ever!

Date: Fri Jun 13 06:00:34 2008
Response (Richard)

Thank you for the information Scotty we will be sure to check it out. We are unsure when the PC version of the game will be released as we are only technical support and do not receive information on the matter. I would suggest keeping an eye on for any information.

Happy to help, Rich. I don't believe you by the way. Anthony seemed to know what was going on. Nice way
of avoiding answering the question, though. Time to let it simmer for a few days and maybe come back with
another dumb question. Even if I don't, that was an amusing week for sure!
Posted by RockstarScammer at 10:14 PM 3 comments
heh, eli periaattees pari jannuu lähettää Take Twon tukeen emailia, että äänet ei skulaa PCn GTAIV pelissä (jonka uskottelevat olevan ladattu jostain torrent sitelta). Ja saa vähän sen suuntaisia vastauksia että voisi olettaa että ko. peli on tuotannossa...
Nonniin, nyt se sitten tapahtu. Posti kadotti ton mun GTA IV:n ja joudun odottamaan 4 viikon "katoamisajan" että saa uuden...
Håhåhåå! Spontaania repeilyä nakkikioskisekoilujen merkeissä täälläkin! Tai siis no pähkinäkioskin. Annoin kyseiselle kärrylle vähän moukkua pesarilla ja huomasin, että se perkelehän heiluu aika hyvin! Noh, lisää vettä myllyyn ja maila heilumaan, myyjä jotain poraa vieressä. Sain kaadettua sen kioskin sen myyjän päälle! Jäi sinne alle valittelemaan, tietty vähän monoa päähän kun kaveri oli jumissa! Hienoja hetkiä... :D :D
Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! Nyt se tuli! :rock:

2pv ennen karenssin päättymistä :jahas:
Ei toi kovin kaksinen ollut kun on CODin täydellisessä pelimaailmassa tottunut jo pelailemaan. Peli tökkii jumalattomasti, on saakutin ruma ja junnaa välillä pahasti paikoillaan.
No idea on kuitenkin hyvä, eiköhän tuossa aika kulu...

Pettymys kuitenkin tuli kovasta odotuksesta.

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