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I walk the line - When im gone

You stuck a knife deep in my flesh again.
You're twisting it around until I don't feel more pain.
You tore me up in pieces today.
I'm on the floor and you just walk over me.
I don't know if I even care anymore.
I'm beaten numb,
I don't feel the pain at all.

I'm free when I'm up with the stars in the sky.
No worries of tomorrow,
no struggles of tonight.
I'm free when I'm up with the stars in the sky.
I'll find my asylum,
a resting place for me.

I wanna know if there's a place for me.
I still long for a place that I've never seen.
I wanna know if there's someone for me.
I still miss the one that I have never seen.
Will I ever be pure and whole again?
Will I ever be able to smile again?

When I'm gone,
take a look up in the sky.
You'll see a shooting star.

That's where I am.
Joskus on kiva kuunnella loirin tuotantoa ja surkutella itseään leijona pullo kourassa,mutta lähempänä arkea olevat ovat:

Juice Leskinen- Dokumentti
Jope Ruonansuu- Enkeleitä toisillemme
Pistetään vähän instrumentaalista välillä, eli Scarface - Gina and Elvira's theme, soi Scarfacen aikana pariinkiin otteeseen, mm. lopputekstien aikana. Tulee melkeen isolle miehelle tippa linssiin tätä kuuneltaessa.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

1. Finlanders - Oikeesti
2. Stella - Lumottu
3. Enya - Evenstar
4. John Williams - Schlinder's List

Joistain näistä tulee oikeasti surullinen olo ja toisista surullisen onnelinen.


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