BB PRO Arnold Schwarzenegger

Joo äkkiä 4-jakoista ja hidasta negatiivista, niin saa taas kehityksen käyntiin!

Time for me to get on the Throwback Thursday bandwagon. Ken Waller and I compete in Tug of War and Joe Weider judges.

Joku tuumi tuolla Facebook-kommenteissa, että tuossa on varmaan Mike Katzin paita ;)
Hey everybody,
I've been promising an AMA about fitness for the /r/fitness crowd for a while. I'm on a plane for an hour... so why don't I take a few questions?

As people get older their workouts tend to change. Are you still doing the same lifting you were doing when you were younger? Or has it shifted in a certain way? Or have you taken up something like yoga?
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
My workouts have definitely changed. I can't do as many free weight exercises because of injuries. Luckily, the technology has moved forward and I can find some replacements with machines. Here is an example: I loved barbell curls. Because of my two shoulder surgeries, I avoid going heavy, and I use the preacher curl machine.
But I still can do my t-bar rows and bent-over rows, which I love.

[–]phrakture❇ Special Snowflake ❇
If you had to start all over from scratch, what sort of routine would you do as an absolute beginner?
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
I would do basically the same thing I did.
The only thing I would change in a perfect world is I would add the training I couldn't do, because of the lack of equipment. I would add much more direct calf, rear delt, and hamstring work. We didn't have machines for those things in Graz. It was all barbells and dumbbells, which was great but not the best for bodybuilding.
That training was a blessing, though. It's why I was able to get so big. Plus, I was strong and my body was ready for the isolation stuff by the time I got to Munich and had that equipment.

[–]ImNickJamesBrazilian Jiu Jitsu
Would you change anything diet-wise?
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
Again, this wasn't something I could change because it wasn't possible, but in an ideal situation I could have had more meat. My family just didn't have enough money. I knew I needed more protein, but it just wasn't a possibility. Until I was 18, I could only get meat once a week, and I drank skim milk powder with yeast and eggs. It was a horrible drink. In an ideal world, I would have had at least three meals a day with meat.
The year I spent in the army and had meat every day, I gained 25 pounds.

What is your opinion of the 5x5 workout?
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
You probably won't like this... When I was gaining strength, I liked to warm up with 10,8,6,4 and then stay at 2 reps for five sets, and then back to 4, then 6, and then use the stripping method and just drop plates and keep doing 4 reps until I couldn't.

I'd like to know the answer to this one too. Arnold, here's a link to the program:
Here's the program:
Workout A:
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Rows 5x5
Workout B:
Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
You alternate between the two exercises and increase the weights by 5 pounds every workout.
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
I like that you're doing the big lifts. I wish there were chin ups. I think this would be great if you added in a day with some more assistance style work. But everything depends on your goal. This is a great start for lifting.

What are your PR's in the standard powerlifts, i.e. bench press, squats, and deadlift, also have you ever done any Olympic weightlifting?
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
Bench: 518 (500 in competition) Deadlift: 710 Squat: 540
I started out Olympic lifting. These numbers are from when I was 17:
Clean and jerk: 245
Press(which they don;t do any more): 210 Snatch: 200

Just saw your twitter so hope this doesn't get buried. What is your most recommended exercise to do without any weights or machines. Push-ups?
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
Chin-ups, no question. I think if you are doing only one exercise, you're getting your most bang for the buck. The biceps, serratus, forearms, lats, the whole back. You can switch grips to change the focus, too. So if there is only one, that's it.

What is your favorite exercise or lift?

[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
Clean and press. It trains every muscle at once. Think about it... you could do calf raises, squats, rows, high pulls, shrugs, and military press... or you can do a clean and press.
I also always loved to deadlift.

How do you feel about the popularity of Mass Monsters in today's bodybuilding scene?
Would you like to see it go back to a focus on Aesthetics, muscle symmetry, smaller waist lines and stomach vacuum poses?
[–]GovSchwarzeneggerThe Real Arnold
First, I have nothing against monsters. It takes a lot of effort to get there. But we shouldn't go away from the basic principles of proportions, symmetry, muscularity, performance on the stage, and the idea of a small waist and big shoulders. The further we get from those principles, the further we get from the ideal.
tainnu olla Arska kepee panomies silloin muinoin..
kivat tissit... (vaan eipäs taida olla enää :D )
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