BB PRO Arnold Schwarzenegger


Jim Lorimer will live forever through the millions of people he inspired to join our fitness crusade and tune into this little niche sport called bodybuilding.

I am devastated that I won’t sit with him again and hear his wisdom, or critique bodybuilders together, or just laugh and laugh. My thoughts are with Bob, Kathy, Jeff, and the whole Lorimer family, but I also know that Jim isn’t gone.

Jim lives on in every member of his family, and he lives on in me. He’s one reason I would never call myself self-made. When I met him 52 years ago at the Mr. World bodybuilding championship he organized so fantastically in Columbus, Ohio, I immediately knew Jim would be a big part of my life. I told him when I retired from competing, we would be partners and promote bodybuilding together. And starting in 1976, we did just that with a handshake agreement for more than 50 years, expanding from a small bodybuilding show to a sports festival with 200,000 visitors and more athletes than the Olympics, while we branched out from Ohio to inspire people on every continent except Antarctica. When I was appointed the Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports by President Bush in 1990, I knew that I needed Jim by my side, and boy, was I right. He helped make the impossible possible with his brilliant legal mind when we worked with all of the federal agencies and hundreds of bureaucrats to organize the Great American Workout on the White House lawn.

Jim also lives on in every single person he inspired to live a healthier life. Some people assume Jim started promoting sports with me - that couldn’t be further from the truth. His sports and fitness crusade started much earlier, when he was lifting up women’s track and field. In the 50’s and 60’s, when promoting women’s sports wasn’t as popular as it is now, Jim was a pioneer. He founded the Ohio Track Club woman’s team, and then he became the chair of the US Olympic Committee for Women’s Sports. In between his jobs as an FBI agent and an executive at Nationwide Insurance, he helped turn around our Olympic team so we could start beating the Russians. He became so legendary for his promotion of sports that he was asked to host the 1970 World Weightlifting Championships. He decided to host the Mr. World competition to sell more tickets, and the rest is history. To Jim, the Mr. World was just a way to pack the theater, but to me, winning that title changed my life. I beat Sergio Oliva for the first time, and I saw how well Jim treated the athletes and made the commitment then and there to work together to elevate the sport of bodybuilding. It was one of those magical moments, and it was destiny that we met, but it was Jim’s fanatical commitment to sports and fitness that laid the foundation for our fate.

I will miss his wisdom, I will miss his mentorship, I will miss his kind, kind heart. I will miss his sense of humor and his desire to make the world a better place and his friendship. But Jim will always be with me. He helped make me who I am. He’ll always be with all of us.

So while I grieve today, I will also remember how lucky I was - how lucky the world was - to have so much of this wonderful man’s time. This Thanksgiving, I remember Jim Lorimer, and I am so, so grateful he was such a big part of my life.

Thank you, Jim.

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi

Ihmiset ei vieläkään ymmärrä mitä tarkotti tolla?

ei tossa hirveästi tulkinnan varaa taida olla? Mutta valaise toki..

Schwarzenegger also weighed in on the concept of freedom, saying that while every citizen has it, inaction is enough to harm or possibly even kill somebody else.

“I think people should know there is a virus here, it kills people,” he said. “And the only way we prevent it is we get vaccinated, we wear masks, we do social distancing, washing your hands all of the time, and not just to think about, ‘Well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom. Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities.

“You cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y, and Z,’ when you affect other people. That is when it gets serious. It’s no different than a traffic light. They put the traffic light in the intersection so someone doesn’t kill someone else by accident. You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, I’m going to go right through it.’ Yeah, then you kill someone else.”

“It is the same thing with the virus. You cannot go and not put the mask on because when you breathe you can infect someone else, and you can infect someone that then gets sick and may die. So this is why I think we all have to work together on this… we have to come together rather than fighting and always just saying, ‘According to my principles, this is a free country and I have the freedom to wear no mask.’ Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask, but you know something? You’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask.”
En tiedä oliko täällä jo mutta kuitenkin.


Muistui mieleen vähän aikaa sitten käyty kulmasoutuvääntö.

Arnoldilla mielestäni ollut aina hieno tapa tehdä soutuja ja taljoja.
Kunnon venytyksellä, pitkällä liikeradalla, sopivasti vauhtia tekemisessä repimättä liikaa kuitenkaan.

Ja tuolla ikää etelleenkin näkyy alaselkä kestävän aivan hyvin.
Kestäisikö, jos kaiken tekisi kuin tönkkösuolattu muikku koko ikänsä, vyöhön paketoituna...? :unsure:
Hyviä nää uutiset et Arnold näyttää uskomattoman pieneltä jonkun Mr.Olympian vierellä ym. Vittu äijä on 80 vuotias 🥱

Ei se koko ollut kisa-aikanakaan nykyukkoihin verrattavissa. Reilu 20 kg vähemmän. Josta 10 kg mahassa ja sisäelimissä :).


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