BB PRO Arnold Schwarzenegger

James Cameron has revealed the current title of the upcoming Terminator project, and it’s not a title that promises good things for Linda Hamilton’s Sarah Connor and fellow humans.

“We’re calling it Terminator: Dark Fate,” Cameron told Yahoo! Entertainment. “That’s our working title right now.”

Although Cameron said that he was taking a back seat to director Tim Miller for the new movie — “I’m kind of like the Pips, he’s Gladys [Knight],” Cameron joked of his producer position — he did take credit for the return of two key faces from the franchise for the latest installment. “I said, ‘I can’t be involved in this film at all if Arnold [Schwarzenegger] is not in it,’” he said, adding that Hamilton’s return was something he “strongly recommended,” explaining, “Fans are going to want to see her again, and they’re going to want to see the real Sarah Connor and what time and dealing with these tragic futures has done to her.”

Cameron even went so far as to tease what that might be. Events have, he said, “hardened her even more, but in a way that made her much stronger. … Maybe less likable, but stronger. And ultimately, she becomes a really important character in passing the baton to the new characters that come in. It’s a very female-centric film, which I’m glad Tim embraced those themes.”
Toivottavasti ei tule liian feministi tyylistä leffaa vaikkapa ghostbusters 2016 tyyliin... Varsinki tää eka promokuva on aika hirvee

Toivottavasti ei tule liian feministi tyylistä leffaa vaikkapa ghostbusters 2016 tyyliin... Varsinki tää eka promokuva on aika hirvee


Jos toi keskimmäinen naisterminaatori ei vedä komediallisesti Arskan esittämää tuhoajaa pataan, oon positiivisesti yllättynyt. En kuitenkaan aatellu pidätellä hengitystä asian puolesta :D
Onkohan conan leffa kuitenkin tulossa?:oujee::hyper:

Amazonhan osti conanin oikeudet ja alkoi suunittelemaan tv sarjaa nuoresta conanista joten arskan kolmannen leffan tulevaisuus näyttiaika huonolta.
Ilmeisesti amazonin conan tv sarja on päätynyt roskakoriin...

Thearnoldfans & arnoldin haastattelu

Arnold gave us an update on King Conan and Terminator: Dark Fate. First Let’s talk Terminator. Schwarzenegger spoke with TheArnoldFans about the film and covered several topics.

Working with Tim Miller
"The director, Tim Miller, was very, very talented and I can see why his movie, Deadpool, made so much money and why it was successful because he’s very organized. He’s an expert with visual effects and special effects and with stunts. He felt very comfortable directing all the actors, the young and the older ones. He was a pleasure to work with."
Working with James Cameron and Tim Miller
"It was a very interesting film to do with Tim, the dynamic, between him and with Jim Cameron producing. So Jim Cameron is right now directing Avatar films so he’s taken on this enormous challenge and he’s very busy with that BUT he’s a control freak and as you know, Terminator is kind of his baby so he does get involved in the filming so there were interesting discussions about which direction to go with a certain scene or how the dialogue should finish or what the certain look should be of an individual and all that stuff so there was a big collaboration between Jim and Tim Miller. I feel it was in good hands with both of them."
T6 Film Budget and Arnold Saw a Big Chunk of the Film
"David Ellison was the producer, he’s of course a very young and ambitious guy who raised the money for the movie, which is important. The budget was somewhere between 160 million and 200 million dollars. I couldn’t tell you exactly because the movie isn’t finished yet. It's still being worked on. Visual effects are being done now. I’ve seen 15 minutes and it looked great and I was very excited about it.”
Film Production
"Well, I’m reluctant to say anything about Terminator 6 other than we’ve successfully completed filming of it in Budapest. I was filming there for three months. I had a wonderful time and it was a fantastic city to shoot with great tax credits. 36 percent you get back for every dollar that you spent over there.”

Now back to Conan! As we all know, production of a new Conan has gone into a bit of development hell even though it’s the number one film that his fans want him to do. Arnold explains exactly what the hold up is.

“When it comes to the movie," Arnold begins, "the sad stuff about all of this is when there’s an estate like this, The Robert E. Howard estate…when someone buys these rights, those people now own the rights and they have their own vision of what they want to do and the guy that has the rights is some young guy and he’s trying to figure out how to get his way through Hollywood and this is not easy to do. So there are people that say to him, 'why don’t you start with a TV series and then he negotiates for a TV series and that falls apart. And then he goes maybe to Netflix and that falls apart. Then he decides to make a movie maybe…but in the meantime, we have been trying to convince him for years now that the way to go is to come back and hire a really great director and to do another Conan movie and have me play King Conan, when Conan is like 70 years old and he's disgusted by sitting on the throne and being the king and then something happens after that. It’s really not that far from creating a finished script. The only one who really has to pull the trigger there is the people who own the Conan rights to do a movie. Let’s go to Netflix or whoever it is, let’s hire a director who’s very creative and can elevate the project to make it a winning project. I hope it will be done very soon because I think it’s a great idea."

So according to Arnold the Conan TV series which was meant to be on Amazon Prime is no more but it’s very interesting that he said “Netflix” a couple of times!



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