Arnold Classic 2009

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Jonkun kaiffarin arviot Arnoldin kisaajista.

Meikäläisen TOP5-lista:
1) Victor
2) Kai
3) Branch
4) Toney
5) Silvio

Edit: No voi perkele, kisaan onkin vielä noin kauan aikaa. Ehkä vähän liian aikaisin heitin tuon listani ilmoille mutta so not, katsotaan sitten oliko kristallipallo vireessä.:D
Kolmen kärkeen jos ennustaa Victorin, Toneyn ja Kain, tuskin kauhean pieleen menee. Myös Branch voi kovassa kuosissa olla mukana kärkikahinoissa.

Victor on tähän asti esittänyt näistä herroista kovimman paketin, kun voitti 2007 Mr Olympian fysiikallaan mutta hävisi poliittisista syistä. Toneylla taas on "tuorein" huippukunto 2008 Olympiasta. Kai taas on kehittynyt parhaiten viimeisinä vuosina näistä kolmesta, joten mielenkiintoista on nähdä prejudging kun kaikki kolme toivottavasti lavalle astelevat. Voipi nimittäin mennä päivän kondiksen mukaan oikeastaan kenelle tahansa näistä 2009 AC-titteli.
Arnold Classic on aina ollut hyvä kisa kakkosluokan pro:ille ja tämä vuosi ei ole poikkeus. Rankingin kuuden parhaan joukosta vain kaksi on mukana. Toisaalta kilpailu on avointa top-3:sen ulkopuolella ja varmasti yllättäviäkin nimiä nähdään kärjen tuntumassa.


Grapefruit Lemonade

Laitetaas omaa veikkausta pystyyn TOP-5:sta. Katsotaan miten hyvin piti kutinsa kisojen jälkeen eli:

1) Victor Martinez
2) Kai Greene
3) Toney Freeman
4) Branch Warren
5) Silvio Samuel

Pitää toki vielä korjailla mahdollisesti prejudgingin aikana tuota listaa, mutta kokonaisuudessaan nuo 5 ukkoa taitaa keikkua tuola - päivän kunto sitten ratkaisee itse sijoitukset.
1. Kai Greene
2. Victor Martinez
3. Toney Freeman
4. Branch Warren
5. Dennis James arviot kisasta.

1 – Victor Martinez. Yes, a knee injury sidelined Victor from competing in the 2008 Mr. Olympia, in which many thought, if he had been healthy, could have been the new king. Instead, Victor now has some doubts from his fans, and others around the globe, on whether Victor will be ready when he gets on that state. Yes, he upper body should look fantastic, but will his legs match his incredible physique??? I think it will, and at the end, Victor will be crowned in first place.

2 – Branch Warren. What? The man from Texas in second place? No way? Well, once again, we have a competitor who was injured going into the 2008 Mr. Olympia, and is very hungry on proving that he is on top of the bodybuilding world. Branch has been training very hard in Texas, and judging by fellow reports out there, he is ready to go, and will look his best at the Arnold. Branch should surprise the rest of the top competitors.

3 – Toney Freeman. I didn’t predict Toney would do well at the 2008 Mr. Olympia, and boy was I wrong. And Tony let me know it too! Toney backstage before he even went on at prejudging blasted me and said ‘I will prove you wrong’. And he did. But this is a new year, and it looks like Toney could of perfected his style and his physique in terms on final preparation. Toney will look good, and will impress all of us again.

4 – Kai Greene. Kai Greene was third last year at this contest, but also was injured soon afterwards. Kai is looking good now, and he may have a chance to be in the top two. However, reports of Kai being 292 pounds has worried some that he may not be able to shed all that weight and look 100% great for the Arnold in time. Thus, I am putting Kai in 4th place.

5 – Silvio Samuel. Silvio let me know it big time when I chose him in second place in my predictions for the 2009 IFBB Ironman Pro. Said how can I not predict him in first at that show. At the time, Moe El Moussawi looked great, but in the last few days, faltered in his preparations, in which Silvio handily won the 2009 Ironman. But the 2009 Arnold Classic is a much tougher competitor field. The top four above Silvio did not compete in the Ironman, and rumors are they will look great. Have we seen the best of Silvio at the Ironman? Or will Silvio step it up a little more and beat my prediction of 5th place.

6 - Dennis James. Two shows last year, the Tampa and the Europa, Dennis James came in second place, with Toney Freeman beating him. Dennis was not happy with those results, because Dennis looked real good. At the Olympia, Dennis was one spot behind Silvio, which means that Dennis is going to have to look spectacular in order to move up from 6th place here. Go Dennis Go!

7 – Moe El Moussawi. We had such high predictions for Moe for the 2009 Ironman, but Moe just wasn’t 100% there. In terms of getting ready, Moe gained 10+ pounds, but lost some of his shredded look. Moe has beat Silvio in the past, and if Moe can come back to his shredded look, and take his time in getting ready in the final days of the show, he may surprise us all, and place higher here. And if he doesn’t, then Ronny Rockel, Gustavo Badell and Johnnie Jackson just may pass him up.

8 – Ronny Rockel. Surprised us all at the 2009 Ironman, which many saying that he should of placed second there above Moe El Moussawi. So Ronny has something to prove, coming into the Arnold with a motivation to show others that he is better and will be more shredded at this show.

9 – Gutavo Badell. Gustavo was supposed to compete in the Ironman, but dropped out, due to family obligations. But with Gustavo, you never know how good or bad he will look on stage. I hope he looks good, and comes back to the overall shape he was at one time, but this year may be difficult. We will see.

10 – Johnnie Jackson. Johnnie entered into the 2009 Ironman at the last possible minute, and looked much worse than any of us predicted we will be. Johnnie could and should of looked much better than what he did, and I know he will improve coming into the Arnold Classic. The question is, with this tough lineup, can he do better than 10th place.

11 – Ahmad Haider. At the 2009 Ironman, Ahmad qualified for the Mr. Olympia by placing 5th. He looked good, but I am not sure how much more can Ahmad improve, giving his fellow competitors an edge. I may be wrong, but Ahmad by just place out of the top 10 here in Columbus.

12 – Marcus Haley. A tough lineup here, and his will be good experience for Marcus. Whereas Marcus will not crack the top 10, he does have a change to prove he is the best poser, with only perhaps Kai Greene, and maybe Toney Freeman challenging him for that. Have fun Marcus, the Arnold is one great contest.

13 - Sergey Shelestov. Wow – not sure why Sergey even wants to compete in this tough lineup, with almost no chance of not placing last, no matter how many people are in the lineup. A very interesting choice to be invited for the Arnold. Enjoy the show, and come in shape please!
Ironman magin arviot.

1. Victor Martinez
2. Kai Greene
3. Toney Freeman
4. Silveo Samuel
5. Branch Warren
6. Dennis James
7. Moe El Moussawi
8. Gustavo Badell
9. Ronny Rockell
10. Ahmad Haidar

1. Toney Freeman
2. Kai Greene
3. Victor Martinez
4. Branch Warren
5. Silveo Samuel
6. Dennis James
7. Moe El-Moussawi
8. Gustavo Badell
9. Ronny Rockel
10. Ahmad Haidar

1. Victor Martinez
2. Branch Warren
3. Toney Freeman
4. Kai Greene
5. Silveo Samuel
6. Dennis James
7. Moe El-Moussawi
8. Ronny Rockel
9. Gustavo Badell
10. Johnnie Jackson

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