BB PRO Antoine Vaillant

Ketähän tuolla on sitten Antoinea vastassa? Taisi vaihtaa suunnitelmia kisaamisen suhteen, kun olisi muuten joutunut Big Ramyn kanssa samalle viivalle.
Ihmetellyt jo jonkin tovin, kun ei herralta ole videoita juuri tullut.
Nyt olisi kuitenkin muutosta luvassa.

Lainaus MD:n sivulta:

Alot happened in personal life but now that I got rid of the people bringing me down, moved from my old town to a new place, go through a shitty break up, I realised there is one thing that will always be stable and there for you... something that will never lie or f*ck you over.... THE COLD HEAVY IRON OF THE GYM!! I am aiming FINLAND PRO and starting prep right after I am back from the Canadian Road Trip that I am doing with Universal... The videos will be back, the updates will be frequent and will make sure my physique goes on another level... I'm tired of being stuck where I am, it's been a rough 2 months but the focus is back and the future is now and I'm grabbing it!

sorry if the updates have not been frequent, but they are coming and will not stop again!

Thanks MD, Universal and all you guys, time to live like a real bodybuilder now and make some gains!!!

Video update coming UP ASAP!

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi



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