America’s First Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

3 113
"Since its heyday in the late 1800s, bare-knuckle boxing in the US has been relegated to parking lots and grimy basements, an underground sport that couldn’t find a way to bring itself above board. But in June of 2018—after spending years petitioning almost 30 states to sanction the brutal fights—promoter David Feldman finally managed to stage America's first-ever legal bare-knuckle boxing match in Wyoming. VICE went to the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championships in Cheyenne a few days ahead of the big event to hear how Feldman managed to pull it off, and to meet a handful of fighters for whom boxing—and even MMA fighting—just isn’t hardcore enough."

Katsoin tämän alusta loppuun ja muutamat kohdat useampaan kertaan. Tässä oli vähän sellaista entisaikojen vapaaottelukisojen henkeä. Mukana kaikenlaisilla taustoilla olevia ottelijoita.



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