Alexei Lesukov

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Ja nimi oli Alexey (Lesha) Lesukov! Kannattaa pistää korvan taa...
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Lesha has built a body
Apatitys. He built the body in five years and on debut became a champion

Svetlana Naglis

Eighteen-year Alexey Lesukov in April won immediately several titles at competitions in bodybuilding in St. Petersburg and Murmansk. The discovery season - as was named by the Apatitys youth in the championships of the Northwest.

Will power plus character

In childhood Lesha was the usual boy: he went to the pool, studied to play on a piano. This occupation did not greatly please him, but he did not want to argue with his mom. Until a certain time.

In 13 years Lesha looked at itself in a mirror and decided that his body was suitable for development by bodybuilding. He read the necessary books and also began to go to an exercise room. Here genetics also proved useful.

- Mom was against it, - described Lesha, - even forbade it. It was necessary to go quietly to a gym, on money that the school gave out for eating.

- Who trained you?

- No one. I myself developed routines of exercises. First by myself, later a friend joined me. And in 11th class I began to prepare to attend the Academy named Lesgafta.

In the past year Alexey has gone to St. Petersburg and, certainly, at once began to work out at the nearest sports hall. Here he was noticed also by the future trainer.

The first among young men

The trainer of club "Diamond" Andrey Prokofiev (the holder of many high titles in bodybuilding) for a time observed Lesha, and then offered his services.

So the first-year student of the academy (in the future - the trainer-teacher on bodybuilding) began to combine study with daily two-hour training. It was difficult, admitted Lesha.

But Alexey was ready to April to to do the first "output on a stage". In one month he became the absolute champion among young men in the championship of the Northwest, the absolute champion of Russia in the Cup of Eastern Europe, has achieved the first place among young men and men in the championship of St. Petersburg, took the lead among young men at Murmansk competitions. For this he has received cups, medals and a rank of the Master of Sports.

The Master of Sports does not drink, does not smoke, is good himself, in general - the enviable groom.

Impact on a beautiful organism

But, as was found out, the success is given to bodybuilders not easily. Competitions are preceded with two months of rigid preparation: physical activities and special low-carbohydrate diet. One week prior to performance in a diet of sportsmen there is only fiber and not any salt! And for two days - loading by carbohydrates. Such impact on an organism is necessary, as Alexey has explained, for an increase in the muscles, indeed in bodybuilding what they evaluate.

Before competition the sportsmen get weighed, then "paint" on the skin a special cream to give to the body a bronze shade and shine. It makes the relief of muscles more visible.

On a stage bodybuilders assume some obligatory poses – the judges evaluate the various groups of muscles, the proportions of the body. Followed is the free program - movement under music. In conclusion - one minute posedown. To this moment the sportsmen do not know the results.

Now Alexey has a rest, and will start to prepare for following competitions in the autumn. Quite probably, there in Apatitys there will be a champion of Europe.
Helvetin kovalta näyttää -ja kasvojen perusteella myös varsin nuorelta.
Näillä itäblokin kovilla amatöörikisailijoilla on vain ennen ammattilaisuraa taipumus kadota. Tai sitten pyristellä hetken ja kadota vasta sitten. Vai uskooko joku vielä Fedoroviin Mr. O:n kärjessä? :jahas:
Jösses:eek: Vitsi mikä kondis!!!!!
Ei jumalauta, karun näköistä kun kasvot on kuin mopoikäisellä mutta lihaa on aivan hitosti, toivottavasti tuossa iässä ei lääkkeiden käyttö ole mennyt vielä aivan mahdottomaksi.
Voe helvetti! Siinä on aika kova kondis jannulla. Kasvot on kyllä kuin suoraan peruskoulusta.

edit: hyvät ilmeet noilla takana seisovilla:D
Helvetin kova kunto...Tosiaan taipumusta"katoamiseen" on...Eli ei varmaankaan kauaa kuulu tästä miehestä.Mahikset olis vaikka tulevaisuuden mr.O:ksi,toi kunto on varmaan vaatinut aika kovan dropituksen,mutta samahan se,ei ammattilaisena sitä tarvi hävetä...Ei siellä kukaa muukaan puhdas ole:)

Toivottavasti poika jaksaa painaa...Upea malli ja koko

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Lahjoja on pojalla. Tosin valmentajan myötä varmasti myös lääkitys kohdallaan. Takarivissä näkyy ihan eri kokoluokan jamppoja kuin tuo Alexey.
Heh, suht överi kunto. Ei kovin hyvin naama ja vartalo natsaa toisiinsa :D, katoin ensin, että selvä shoppaus.
Ylläri että alkoi heti itku dopingista.. jännää myöskin se että tämä ilmiö esiintyy vain suomalaisella boardilla (kateus?). Jos kyseessä olisi 18-vuotias jannu joka olisi juossut satasen alle 10 sekuntiin niin itkettäisiinkö myös dopingista? Jotkut tykkää saavuttaa elämässä jotain, toiset itkee netissä. Sori offtopic mutta oli pakko.
Ylläri että alkoi heti itku dopingista.. jännää myöskin se että tämä ilmiö esiintyy vain suomalaisella boardilla (kateus?).

mikä vitun kateus? en mä ainakaan oo kateellinen siitä, että jätkällä ei kohta stondaa ollenkaan ja oma testotuotanto on keskivertoisen muijan tasolla. helvetin hieno kunto ja lahjoja on pirusti mutta realiteetit on muistettava myös.


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