San Francisco Pro 2004

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Ruhl
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M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Eiköhän tuo ole Dexterin show... Cormier näyttää hieman heikolta, lieköhän noi Nichollsin viime hetken kikat saaneet miehen vetäytymään?
Samirilla hammastulehdus??? Gimme a break... Hei mitä vittua, miks Kris Dim näytti ihan hyvältä Priestin vierellä? Eilen nimittäin katoin Another Blonden Mythen ni kuvittelenko mä vai onks Priest kutistunu sitten sen videon kuvaamisen? Voisin vaikka vannoa.
muffy sanoi:
Eilen nimittäin katoin Another Blonden Mythen ni kuvittelenko mä vai onks Priest kutistunu sitten sen videon kuvaamisen? Voisin vaikka vannoa.

Ite kattelin kans samaa.. ainaki Ironmanissa Lee näytti paremmalta kun nyt. IMO.
Kris Dimillä isot kädet kantaa pientä miestä pitkälle. Ei tuo musta nyt niin kova ukko ole, Olympiassa nähdään mistä pikku-ukko on tehty.
Bob Chickin terveysongelmista:

This is Brenda.

Bob is in the hospital here in Oakland. He is stable.

Bob had been throwing up all morning and I don't even know how we got him to pre judge. He made it through and could not get up or stop throwing up afterwards in the back pump up room. Someone got Wayne on the phone and thank God he insisted we call the emergency medics. We rode to the hospital in the ambulance and he went into the emergency room.

The doctors told him he had had a complete internal shut down! They said it was a good thing we came in because his potassium levels were so high he could have had a heart attack at any time and there would have been nothing they could have done. Whew.

The doctors will tell me today how many days he needs to stay and I will be with him until we can both go home to LA.

I know him well and he will want to be online as soon as possible to let you know himself how he is doing.

Please send Bob your prayers.


Grapefruit Lemonade


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