Rob Zombie ohjaa uuden Halloweenin

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Devils Rejects leffasta ja musiikkimaailmasta tuttu Zombie aikoo ohjata uuden ja pelottavamman Halloweenin ja nostaa Michael Myersin haudasta jälleen kerran:

"Zombie plots new mayhem for "Halloween"
Monday June 5 1:10 AM ET

Rocker-turned-filmmaker Rob Zombie is resurrecting Michael Myers, one of the big screen's favorite horror villains.

Zombie will write and direct a new "Halloween" movie, serving up what is being called as a brand-new vision for the long-running horror series. He will also serve as a producer and a music supervisor on the film.

An October 2007 release is being planned. Disney's Miramax Films will co-finance the development with former Miramax chiefs Bob and Harvey Weinstein's Dimension Films.

The movie will not be a sequel or a straight-ahead remake of the 1978 original -- which helped director John Carpenter cement his name in the horror business -- but a reimagining that will infuse new blood into the Myers story.

"The look and the feel is going to be completely different," Zombie said in an interview. "'Halloween' started off as a very terrifying concept, a terrifying movie. But over the years, Michael Myers has become a friendly Halloween mask. When it came to the point where you could buy a Michael Myers doll that was cute-looking and press its stomach and play the 'Halloween' theme, you knew the scare factor was gone.

"But I think the story and the situation is scary. All it needed was someone to come in and to take a totally different approach to make it scary again. To me, that's the challenge and that's the fun."

Needless to say, the movie will not pay heed to the numerous sequels. The last Halloween film, "Halloween: H20," came out in 1998.

"Everything that has come before does not figure into this one," Zombie said. "That series is done."

And while Zombie aims to keep the scares and the character more real, the mask will remain.

"That's an iconic image that can't go away," he said.

Zombie wrote and directed "House of 1000 Corpses" and last year's "The Devil's Rejects," which proved to be extremely profitable theatrically and on DVD. A lot of horror movies have been thrown his way, but he wanted to be choosy when it came to his third film.

Zombie is a fan of the original and said he sought Carpenter's blessing.

"He said, 'That's awesome, go for it,"' Zombie said. "He was very supportive, which I thought was very important. I feel like 'Halloween' is his baby, and I wanted to be very respectful."

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter "
Launch Radio Networks: Rob Zombie recently announced that he will direct a new version of the classic 1978 horror film, "Halloween", but except for saying that it wouldn't be a sequel, he left the details a little vague. Would the movie then be a prequel or a straight remake? Zombie told Launch that his "Halloween" will be a little bit of both. "I basically went back and just came up with the idea of basically — not essentially a remake, but a very extended prequel sort of combined with an update, say, of the first film," he said. "You're starting from scratch but in sort of a more detailed way. That's the way I thought it would be exciting for fans of the original, because it's not just the same old thing, and it would be exciting for people that never saw the original."
Rob Zombiella on tyylitajua. Kaikki sen musavideot on helvetin tyylikkäitä. Ja leffa ´House of 1000 Corpses´ oli loistava!

Tätä odotan innolla. Vielä kun sais jostakin tuon Devil´s Rejects leffan suomisubeilla...
Rob Zombiella on tyylitajua. Kaikki sen musavideot on helvetin tyylikkäitä. Ja leffa ´House of 1000 Corpses´ oli loistava!

Tätä odotan innolla. Vielä kun sais jostakin tuon Devil´s Rejects leffan suomisubeilla...

Tuosta House of-leffasta voi olla monta mieltä. Aika ala-arvoinen tekele mielestäni, joten odotukset ei ole korkealla. Musiikkia mies osaa silti tehdä.
Virallinen julkaisupäivä 19.10. 2007.
House ja Rejects molemmat mun mielestä erittäin loistavia leffoja. Halloween vaan on niin totaalista bullshittiä ettei siitä taida kukaan ohjaaja saada kunnon leffaa aikaan.. Michael Myers, hohhoijaa. :)

edit: no okei, ei se nyt ihan totaalista bullia ole jos vertaa moneen nykypäivän kauhuviritelmään.
Kuulostaa mielenkiintoselta. Devils Rejectsin perusteella Zombiella on munaa tehdä kunnollinen KAUHU-elokuva, eikä mikään valju rahastus tutulla nimella (niitä on viime aikoina nähty ihan riittävästi)
Parempi kun keskittyisi musiikkiin!

Hohhoijaa. Zombien leffat pieksee suurimman osan hollywood leffoista mennen tullen. Sanoisin että keskittyis vaan leffojen tekemiseen (uuden rob zombie lätyn jälkeen)! Tolla jäbällä on asennetta siihen hommaan.

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Todella tykki viherjauhe

Dr. Loomis - Malcolm McDowell
Young Michael Myers - Daeg Faerch
Adult Michael Myers - Tyler Mane
Deborah Myers - Sheri Moon Zombie
Mason Strode - Pat Skipper
Cynthia Strode - Dee Wallace Stone
Ronnie White - William Forsythe
Big Joe - Ken Foree
Nole Kluggs - Lew Temple
Ismael Cruz - Danny Trejo
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Tämä Rob Zombien pätkä saa ensi-iltansa pian jenkeissä ja eilen se vuosi verkkoon. Onko joku ehtinyt jo katsastamaan elokuvan?

Laitanpa nyt oman arvioni kyseisestä filmistä. Elokuva on siis Rob Zombien "uudelleenkirjoitus" alkuperäisestä Halloween-elokuvasta. Filmi alkaa Miken ollessa nuori lapsi ja tarinasta käy melko selkeästi ilmi miksi Myersista tulee kylmä murhaaja. Miken nuoruutta tarina kuvaa melko pitkän ajan. Ennen elokuvan katsomista odotukset olivat varsin matalat, mutta yllätys oli mukavan posiitivinen. Ensimmäistä kertaa Hallowen-trilogiassa itselleni tuli jopa surullinen olo. Tähänasti vuoden paras elokuva ja sellaisena se tulee ehkä pysymäänkin. Myökin mielestäni trilogian paras elokuva. Taatusti elokuvissa käynnin arvoinen kokemus :kippis1:



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