R.I.P Joe Weider

Supermass Nutrition: Super Meal 1 KG -30%
Weider oli jo vanha ukko, joten siinä mielessä sietikin mennä, toivottavasti ei ollut kovin kivulias vanhuus
"Arnold Schwarzenegger
Today, I lost a dear friend and mentor, and the world lost one its strongest advocates of living a healthy lifestyle. Joe Weider was a titan in the fitness industry and one of the kindest men I have ever met.

I knew about Joe Weider long before I met him - he was the godfather of fitness who told all of us to "Be Somebody with a Body." He taught us that through hard work and training we could all be champions. When I was a young boy in Austria, his muscle magazines provided me with the inspiration and the blueprint to push myself beyond my limits and imagine a much bigger future. I know that countless others around the world found motivation in the pages of his publications just as I did, but as I read his articles in Austria, I felt that he was speaking directly to me and I committed to move to America to make my vision of becoming the best bodybuilder, to live the American dream, and to become an actor a reality.

Joe didn’t just inspire my earliest dreams; he made them come true the day he invited me to move to America to pursue my bodybuilding career. I will never forget his generosity. One of Joe’s greatest qualities is that he wasn’t just generous with his money; he freely gave of his time and expertise and became a father figure for me. He advised me on my training, on my business ventures, and once, bizarrely, claimed I was a German Shakespearean actor to get me my first acting role in "Hercules in New York", even though I barely spoke English. As my career took off, he was always nearby, giving advice, promoting my movies or my crusade as the Chairman of the President's Council on Fitness in the pages of his magazines, and appearing at my fundraisers and events when I decided to run for Governor. He was there for me constantly throughout my life, and I will miss him dearly.

He leaves behind a fantastic legacy of a fitter world. Very few people can claim to have influenced as many lives as Joe did through his magazines, his supplements, his training equipment, and his big-hearted personality. Joe was known for urging everyone, “Exceed yourself,” and there is no question that throughout his life, he did just that.

My thoughts and prayers are with his extraordinary wife, the love of his life, Betty, and all of his family and friends."

Jätkähän oli lähemmäs sataa vuotta, taisi kuntoilu ja hyvä tieto ravinnosta olla syynä vanhaksi elämiseen.
Haluan ottaa mallia tästä legendasta.

"Hyvän uran teit kehonrakennus maailmassa - kiitos sinulle siitä"

3 kpl Basic Nutrition Whey (3 kg) -25%
Tämänkö herran takia useilla salilla on Weider merkkiset painot yms?

Weiderin veljeksethän tekivät bisnestä kuntovälineillä ja lisäravinteilla jo vuosikymmeniä ennenkuin ala "räjähti käsiin".

IMO legendaarisin lisäravinne kautta aikojen: Joe Weider's Mega Mass 2000!

Kunnioitus miestä kohtaa on/oli suuri. R.I.P.
Kyllä herra taisi olla vaikuttamassa kaikkein kirkkaimpiin tähtiin aikanaan ja vielä nykypäivänäkin. Miettikää miten asiat olis jos tämä ukkeli ei olis aikanaan alkanut jakamaan tietoaan.. R.I.P
Ei ois kehonrakennus tämmöistä, millaisena se nykyään tunnetaan, ilman Weideriä. Kiitos!

Ollut synkkä viikko bodaukselle ja valitettavasti on vielä huominen jäljellä....
Tämänkö herran takia useilla salilla on Weider merkkiset painot yms?

80- luvulla löytyi usean kaverin kotoa Weiderin vinyylipainosarja, joilla tietty treenattiin Weiderin menetelmällä (ohjeet tuli painojen mukana).

R.I.P. Joe Weider
Varsin kunnioitettavaan ikään pääsi tuo Joe. Pakko arvostaa hänen aikaansaannoksiaan ja panostusta kehonrakennukseen. Tai ehkäpä tarkemmin ajatellen hän rakensi kehonrakennuksen. Melkoinen lajin ikoni on nyt sitten historiaa. R.I.P.


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