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EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

aivan.. ;) ja on aika hiljaista muutenkin et nykyään dvd:tä leikattaisiin. Ja toi leffa on ollu myynnissä jo pitkään joka paikassa. 9.90e anttilan halpishyllystä tai jostain.
ja pitänee muistaa et tuo versio ei ole dvdplazan versio. :D
Jos soitin on aluekoodivapaa ja ulkomailta tilaamiseen ei suhtauduta penseästi, kannattaa valita se paras versio käyttämällä seuraavaa saittia:

Predator @

Predator 1:stä sivusto kertoo parhaimmaksi julkaisuksi R1 CE, R2 ja R4 2-disc SE julkaisut.

Aluekoodi - Leikkaukset:

R1 America - (Fox) - No cuts

R1 America - (Fox) - No cuts

R1 CE America - (Fox) - No cuts

R2 France - (Fox - Original) - No cuts

R2 SE France - (Fox) - No cuts

R2 SE Germany - (Fox) - No cuts - received a special SPIO/JK-rating

R2 Holland - (Fox - Original) - No cuts

R2 SE Holland - (Fox) - No cuts

R2 Italy - (Fox - Original) - No cuts

R2 SE Italy - (Fox) - No cuts

R2 SE Portugal - (Fox) - No Cuts

R2 United Kingdom - (Fox - Original) - Fox accidently used the wrong master for this release therefore we get a "chopped to bits" version even though the VHS release is uncut, as this used the correct master. These are distributors cuts, and not attributed to the BBFC.

The cuts are as follows:

-23:43: Dutch (Schwarzenegger) fires a mortar into a hut - we don't see aman projected into the air
-24:06: Similar shot, with a scream being affected by the edit
-24:16: 6 shots cut, removing a man in flames shot by Dillon (Carl Weathers), followed by him warning Dutch of an enemy, which is then shot by both (a shot presented the soldier being pierced by bullets, from behind)
-24:40: When the helicopter in which the Russians where about to escape is blown away, we don't get to see a man falling out, in flames
-24:51: After an explosion, a scene is cut in which two men are projected in the air, falling down on the water
-25:17: A soldier on a tree is shot by a machine gun. Two shots of him falling down are cut, including one with him partially burning
-25:27: Billy (Sonny Landham) shots two soldiers, amongst explosives. One is burned by the flames, but we don't see any of this
-25:45: The famous "stick around!" scene is removed. Three shots are cut:the enemy approaches from behind, Dutch turns around and throws the knife,and then says the one-liner. They left the enemy entering the frame though. The audience should think it's one of the good guys following the leader? We can still hear part of the scream that Scharzenegger makes while he throws the weapon
-1:08:22: When Mac (Bill Duke) is killed by the predator we don't get to see a shot taken from a low angle, in which his head is dripping blood and his body jerks
-1:10:10: Other famous shot is almost totally removed: when Dillon's arm falls to the ground we don't see two shots of it still firing the machine gun and a third shot, in the middle, of his face reacting to the pain. There's only a brief moment of the arm hitting the ground left.

R2 SE United Kingdom - (Fox) - No cuts

R4 Australia - (Fox - Original) - Fox accidently used the wrong master for this release therefore we get a 'chopped to bits' version even though the VHS release is uncut, as this used the correct master. For more info, look "UK - Original" -notes.

R4 SE Australia - (Fox) - No cuts
Ok. Mun tutulla oli just tuo R2 versio ja just se leikattu. Se oli tosi syvältä.

Pitää koettaa josko toi nyt olis oikeasti uncut versio eikä mikään englantilaisten moka ;)

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