Pakkometallin pikku-uutiset 2022

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Pro-Pain
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Metallisia pikku-uutisia vuoden 2022 osalta.

M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan


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Gene Hoglanin ja Testamentin tiet ovat eronneet.
In 2009, we were right in the middle of an interview at ESP headquarters with iconic ESP Signature Artist Jeff Hanneman of Slayer when he decided he wanted to do something a little different. We switched gears on the spot, which is how the now-famous "5 Things I Hate" video came about. Fast forward to Fall 2021, when we were starting to put together our "ESP Presents 2022 - Phase 1" video event. Our video producer discovered that unbeknownst to all of us at ESP, all the footage from the first part of our interview with Jeff was still sitting on an old hard drive. None of us had seen it in the more than twelve years since we filmed it.

Jeff passed away in 2013, so the discovery of this ESP Flashback video from deep in the archives was like a chance to spend time with a dearly departed old friend. Enjoy this interview with a truly legendary ESP player and an icon of heavy music.


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