Olympus SP-560 UZ

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Tällainen kamera olisi tulossa. Jos innostuu harrastamaan valokuvausta niin pääseeköö tällaisella alkuun vai onko järkkäri pakollinen? Kokemuksia ko. kamerasta?

En ko. kameraa tunne muuta äkkiseltään näyttäis että manuaali säätöjä löytyy enemmän kuin tarpeeksi. Tässä vielä yhteenveto kamera-arvostelusta

Conclusion - Pros
Phenomenal zoom range that includes real wide-angle to long telephoto capability
Huge range of features
Reliable exposure
Good ergonomics
RAW mode (though very slow)
Bright, immediate 'consumer friendly' output
Good detail and color at lowest ISO settings
Shadow Adjust helps produce nice portraits
Fix Lighting helps make the most of the camera's dynamic range
Control of off-board flash is both useful and simple
Image stabilization
Manual controls available
AA battery convenience
AF illuminator
Face detection system
Large, clear, screen
Surprisingly good electronic viewfinder
Conclusion - Cons
More features than you will know what to do with (many of them gimmicky)
Unwieldy menu system
Corner softness at shorter focal lengths
High contrast tone curve tends to clip shadows or highlights
RAW mode so terribly slow
Limited AA battery life
Evidence of noise reduction smearing at anything over base ISO
ISO 400 and above noisy and showing heavy noise reduction
Plastic tripod mount
Manual focus requires a lot of guesswork
Focus hunting in low light, at long end of zoom and in macro mode
Some aspects of performance feel a little sluggish compared to best competitors
Overall conclusion
We described the Fuji S8000fd as trying to be all things to all people, but that was before we really got to grips with the Olympus SP-560UZ. The number of features and options available on the Olympus is frankly comical. You could use this camera for years without ever finding all the (often fairly pointless) things it can do, so numerous and deeply buried in menus are they.

The SP-560UZ has more features than most users will ever discover, let alone want to use. This isn't helped by the rather brief manual that glosses over much of the camera's functionality only being included as a PDF on a CD. This kind of cost-cutting isn't unique to Olympus but is hard to justify in a camera this feature-laden. The mysteries of "one-touch" white balance and area auto focus mode are only clarified by spending time clicking through the PDF manual.

For instance, while Olympus is to be commended for the inclusion of RAW mode, it should also be shot withering looks for sticking to a memory format that makes using it so slow. This is just one of the examples of nice ideas that haven't been applied quite as well as they could have been. We'd rather see fewer functions perfectly implemented, rather than being overwhelmed by things that aren't quite as useful as they appear.

We are delighted, however, to see an easily controlled wireless flash mode. Using one of Olympus's offboard flashes (FL-50R and FL36R), the SP-560UZ is instantly able to take much better flash portraits than any of its direct rivals. The Shadow Adjust mode also seems genuinely useful for anyone who simply wants the camera to take nice portraits of their friends. And that's the flip-side of the camera's rather keen feature set - if one of its features is particularly useful for you, then it is probably worth overlooking any of its other niggles for.

None of which is to say that the Olympus isn't a good camera - it is. It's not particularly fast but has a good metering system and well thought-out processing that helps it to produce good images at low ISO settings. And, of course, it has the incredibly flexible lens which will continue to offer: "I wonder whether I can... Wow!" moments. At base ISO, the image quality of the Olympus is at least the equal of its two most obvious rivals but that base setting is so low it can leave you struggling with low shutter speeds even outdoors during daylight. And, given that it's hard to recommend its performance above ISO 200 as being particularly special, it's a camera you'll get the most out of outdoors.

The real problem that the Olympus faces is not so much that it has any major failings, but that it's not competitive on price with the Fuji (particularly in some markets), and it's not quite as well thought out or focused as the Panasonic. Ultimately, it's a perfectly capable camera with a very nice body and a comprehensive feature set. The problem is, so are its rivals. Another cautious, rather than wholehearted, recommendation.

Detail Rating (out of 10)
Build quality 8.0
Ergonomics & handling 8.0
Features 9.0
Image quality 7.0
Optics 7.0
Performance (speed) 7.5
Value 8.0

Mulla on 550 eli aiempi versio. Ei järkkäri, mutta varmasti lähempänä moista kuin moni muu kamera. RAW-kuvien otto onnistuu, zoomia on muistaakseni 18x eli aika hulppeasti - ja ihan toimivakin on.

Itse olen ollut ostokseeni tyytyväinen, mutta yksi suuri miinus on muistikortti. Olympuksellahan on tuo oma korttinsa, joka juurikin RAW-kuvia ottaessa on ihan törkeän hidas. Jos ei RAW-kuvia kaipaa, hitautta ei huomaakaan. 2 gigan kortti taitaa olla suurin mitä löytyy.

Niin ja jos kysymykseenkin vastaa niin kyllä pääsee varmasti alkuun, rajoittavana tekijänä aloittelijalla tuskin on tässä mallissa kameran ominaisuudet vaan ne omat taidot :D
Kyllähän tuollakin kuvia saa, mutta järkkäri olisi toki sinänsä hyvä, ettei tarvi sitten miettiä että pitäisikö olla parempi vai ei, plus lisävarusteita on saatavilla miljuunia. Lisäksi käytettynä järkkärin saa muutamalla satkulla.

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