Nevermorelta DVD

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EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Nevermore aikoo tallentaa DVD:lle Bochumin keikkansa Saksassa. Alla detaljeet, jotka löytyvät myös Nevermoren kotisivuilta:

Nevermore, Continental Concerts and Century Media Records are proud to announce a special show for the first ever Nevermore DVD. The gig will take place at the Zeche club in Bochum (, Germany on September 12th, 2006. Seattle’s finest will play a set of about 2 hours, with material spanning their 11-year career. The result will be the main part of their forthcoming home DVD, captured by a 7-camera team, with live recordings handled by producer Andy Sneap, who recorded their latest album "This Godless Endeavor", who will also record true 5.1 Surround sound. The planned double-DVD set will also feature a full Nevermore documentary, live footage from throughout their career, all the band's promo videos and even more extras. The release is planned for early 2007

Erittäin pätevää matskua luvassa :rock:
Keikka peruttiin koska laulaja Warrel Dane sairastui ja joutui sairaalaan, joten ko. keikalta ei tule DVD:tä.
Nevermore filmasi keikan Zeche klubilla Bochumissa, Saksassa 11.10. tulevalle DVD:lle.

01. Final Product
02. My Acid Words
03. What Tomorrow Knows/Garden of Grey
04. Next In Line
05. Enemies of Reality
06. I, Voyager
07. The River Dragon Has Come
08. I Am The Dog
09. Dreaming Neon Black
10. Noumenon
11. Inside Four Walls
12. Politics of Ecstasy
13. Dead Heart In A Dead World
14. Matricide
15. The Learning
16. Sentient 6
17. Narcosynthesis
18. The Heart Collector
19. Born
20. This Godless Endeavor
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