M: Reverse Hyper

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Myydään Reverse Hyper,

Hinta: 399 euroa. Todella hyvä takimmaisen lihasryhmän vahvistaja, valitettavasti löytyy vain harvoilta kuntosaleilta. Hinta uutena 3-5 kertaa kalliimpi.

Laitteen kunto on erinomainen. Mukana 2 eripituista hihnaa, joita voi vaihtaa käyttötarkoituksen mukaan. Halutessa voit hankkia myös levypainoja mukaan.


Tämä liike on kehon takimmaisen lihasryhmän ylivoimainen vahvistaja. Reverse Hyper vahvistaa takareisiä, pakaroita ja alaselän lihaksia dynaamisesti konsentrisen työvaiheen eli noston aikana. Laskuvaihe toimii kuntouttavana. Liike on venyttävä ja sen terapeuttinen vaikutus ulottuu syvälle rankaan saakka koska venytyksen aikana syntyy eräänlainen ”sisäinen pumppu ” . Tällöin välilevynesteet pääsevät paremmin virtaamaan takaisin välilevyihin ja supistuksen aikana lihaksesta paennut veri palaa takaisin kudokseen.

Liikettä voidaan muunnella useilla eri tavoilla mutta perussuoritus tehdään nostamalla jalat vaakatasoon ilman että niitä koukistetaan. Laskuvaihe tulee tehdä kontrolloidusti, pitämällä jalat suorina ja jarruttamalla vastaan.

Laitteella treenattaessa konsentrisen työvaiheen vaikutus on monipuolinen. Laite treenaa lajisi vaatimusten mukaisesti riippumatta siitä juoksetko, luisteletko, hiihdätkö, nostatko vai hyppäätkö kisoissa. Ainutlaatuinen liike yhdessä perinteisen kuntosali- tai voimaharjoittelun kanssa parantaa suorituskykyäsi.

Elite fitness system:

This exercises is regarded by many strength coaches as being the best lower back, hamstring, and glute exercise. This is because it allows you to train all these muscles in unison. This is important because these muscles of the posterior chain are the same muscles responsible for running and jumping.

This is performed on a special bench invented by Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell Club. This exercise is also being use for rehabilitation purposes for those with back problems or herniated disks. This is because the bench decompresses the disks when the weights are in the midpoint position. To perform this exercise, there is a strap the wraps around your ankles. You jump on the bench with your face down. your entire torso is supported by the bench. This allows for your legs to hang down at a 90-degree angle. You perform the movement by contracting your glutes and raise you legs up to a horizontal position.

At this point you try to contract your glutes and lower back as tight as possible. Then you lower the weight past the 90-degree starting point to a position where you ankles are in alignment with your head. This is the point where the disks are stretched apart to allow fluid to enter the joints.

Bret Contreras, T-nation.com

Let's cut the BS. A strong, powerful gluteus maximus is what separates the elite athlete from theaverage athlete, the average bodybuilder from the professional, and the guy who builds theultimate body from the dude who can't gain weight or strength no matter what he tries

Whether your goal is to increase your squat and deadlift, your sprinting speed, or to simply tolook better, the info presented here will help you tremendously.

As mentioned earlier, most people think they have strong glutes, but they don't. They believe this because they think that squats, deadlifts, and lunges are the best glute exercises, and they've spent years getting very strong at these. Even though they can make your glutes very sore, squatting, deadlifting, and lunging don't strengthen the glutes much. They target the quads and erector spinae. Even box squatting, walking lunges, and sumo deadlifts don't activate much glute in comparison to the exercises below.
If you studied glute activation like I have, you'd be blown away by the data. Most individual's glutes contract harder during bodyweight glute activation exercises than from one-rep max squats and deadlifts.
This isn't due to the fact that the individuals don't know how to use their glutes or don't adhere to proper exercise form. It's due to the fact that biomechanically the glutes aren't maximally involved in squatting, lunging, and deadlifting. They're only maximally contracted from bent leg hip hyperextension exercises.
Furthermore, just because someone's glutes are big, it doesn't mean that they're strong. In addition to training around three hundred "normal" clients over the past few years, I've trained various elite athletes, from NFL players and powerlifters to sprinters and figure models. I taught each of these individuals the exercises listed below, and I almost always had to start them off with their own bodyweight for resistance.

Just in Case You're Wondering What Exercises to Pick

Here's a chart that hones in on the levels of glute activation I received from various exercises in reference to MVC.

Bilateral Axial Extension Exercises

Exercise Resistance
(lbs) Mean
Activation % Peak
Activation %
Full Squat 315 35.6 114.0
Sumo Squat 315 27.6 85.4
Front Squat 265 35.0 91.7
Low Box Squat 315 20.0 103.0
High Box Squat 345 28.9 105.0
Zercher Squat 295 45.0 92.7
Lever Squat 270 26.8 95.2
Kneeling Squat 495 66.8 159.0

Bilateral Axial Semi-Straight Leg Exercises

Exercise Resistance
(lbs) Mean
Activation % Peak
Activation %
Deadlift 495 55.0 110.0
Sumo Deadlift 495 51.9 98.4
Hex Bar Deadlift 495 37.6 73.8
Good Morning 265 34.0 87.7
Romanian Deadlift 405 24.3 69.6
Snatch Grip Deadlift 455 43.1 95.2
Hack Lift 335 32.8 121.0
Glute Punch 230 26.0 77.5
Seated Good Morning 185 8.9 25.2

(lbs) Mean
Activation % Peak
Activation %
Single Leg Bent Leg Reverse Hyper 100 122.0 199.0

(lbs) Mean
Activation % Peak
Activation %
Single Leg Reverse Hyper 100 97 203

Focusing on the different force vectors and exercises will have a bigger impact on your training than you may think.”

Picture 002a.webp

Pituus 134cm
Leveys 90,5cm
Korkeus 111 cm

Hinta 399 euroa

Antti-Ville Korhonen
Kirjosieponkatu 6as 27
20760 Piispanristi

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