M: MyProtein Recovery XS 5kg

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Viestiketju on suljettu.
Myydään myprotein.com kaupasta tilattu Recovery XS 5kg:n palautusjuomasäkki. Maku on "Chocolate smooth", eli suklaa. Säkki on avattu, ja siitä on otettu kaksi kauhallista jauhetta. Se miksi myyn säkin, johtuu siitä että vatsani ei kestä gluteenia jota huomaamattani tuotteessa olikin. Olisi pitänyt olla tarkempi tilatessa.

Hintaa tuotteella oli reilut 80€, mutta nyt lähtee puoleen hintaan eli 40 €:lla.

En postita avattua säkkiä, mutta sen voi noutaa Helsingistä (Reimarila). Mahdollisesti voin toimittaa jonnekkin lähelle.:)


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Buy Recovery XS | Myprotein.com


Recovery XS
All-in one recovery

Recovery XS is one of the most forward thinking recovery products on the market. Packed with some of the finest ingredients available, Recovery XS will help promote muscle growth, increase recovery rate and have you back in the gym before the dust settles from your last workout!

Recovery XS uses a proven ratio of post-workout carbohydrates and protein for superior glycogen synthesis and muscle tissue rebuilding; the two main mechanisms of recovery. The carbohydrate and protein content are provided through Waxy Maize Starch and Impact Whey Isolate®, respectively. Waxy Maize Starch is a rapidly assimilated carbohydrate which acts fast to restore muscle glycogen with minimal stomach upset. Whey Protein Isolate is a rapidly assimilated protein and is also virtually fat and lactose free and is ideal for building lean mass.

In addition, you will find a massive 4.5g of amino acids and 3g of Creapure® per serving. These two ingredients will ensure your muscles are fully loaded with energy in preparation for your next exercise bout.

Recovery XS also contains a working serving of 5.5g of the excellent amino acid Leucine which is vital for creating a lean building environment to promote tissue growth and has been proven to increase protein synthesis. The Vitamin C content helps flush away all the unwanted toxins and by-products of exercise whilst the Electrolytes help replace all those essential salts lost through sweating.

Putting the same amount of effort into your recovery as you do your training will put you way ahead of the competition so use Recovery XS to ensure your body has all the right ingredients for a fast and effective recovery.

Nutritional Information
Per 90g:
Energy: 275.9Kcal
Protein (as-is): 24.3g
Carbohydrates: 50.2g
Fat: 0.3g

Also Provides Per 90g:
Leucine: 5.5g
Glutamine: 4.5g
Creapure®: 3g
Vitamin C: 550mg
Electrolytes: 360mg

Nutritional content may vary slightly between flavours.

Waxy Maize Starch, Whey Protein Isolate*, Cocoa Powder (chocolate flavours only), L-Leucine, Glutamine, Creapure® (Creatine Monohydrate), Flavouring (flavoured options only), Colouring (Beetroot Red [strawberry flavour only]), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Electrolyte Blend (Sodium Chloride, Potassium Sulphate, Di Calcium Phosphate and Magnesium Oxide), Sweetener (Sucralose® [flavoured options only]), Emulsifier (Soy Lecithin). *From Milk.
Lasketaan hintaa vielä kympillä eli 30 euroa. Halvalla lähtee pois nurkista.
Ihan mielenkiinnosta kysyisin, että mistä tuossa tulee gluteenia? Ainakaan tuoteselosteessa ei ole muuta hiilarin lähdettä, kuin maissitärkkelys ja ymmärtääkseni siinä ei ole gluteenia?
Ihan mielenkiinnosta kysyisin, että mistä tuossa tulee gluteenia? Ainakaan tuoteselosteessa ei ole muuta hiilarin lähdettä, kuin maissitärkkelys ja ymmärtääkseni siinä ei ole gluteenia?

jaa a. Hyvä pointti sinänsä. Vatsani ei jokatapauksessa näistä pidä, ja luulin gluteenia listassa tunnistaneeni.
Viestiketju on suljettu.

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