Jericho is BACK!!

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:hyper: 40,296 lbs kasa pähkinöitä CBS kanavalle, tv-yhtiön sähköpostit tukkoon, erilaiset bring back jericho kampanjat auttoivat ja CBS antautui! :hyper: Jericho palaa 2. kauteen ainakin seitsemällä uudella jaksolla, katsojaluvuista riippuen voipi tulla kokonainen kausikin. Loistavaa!! :hyper: :kippis1: Tässä virallinen tiedoite:

Letter from Nina Tassler

To the Fans of Jericho:


Over the past few weeks you have put forth an impressive and probably unprecedented display of passion in support of a prime time television series. You got our attention; your emails and collective voice have been heard.

As a result, CBS has ordered seven episodes of "Jericho" for mid-season next year. In success, there is the potential for more. But, for there to be more "Jericho," we will need more viewers.

A loyal and passionate community has clearly formed around the show. But that community needs to grow. It needs to grow on the CBS Television Network, as well as on the many digital platforms where we make the show available.

We will count on you to rally around the show, to recruit new viewers with the same grass-roots energy, intensity and volume you have displayed in recent weeks.

At this time, I cannot tell you the specific date or time period that "Jericho" will return to our schedule. However, in the interim, we are working on several initiatives to help introduce the show to new audiences. This includes re-broadcasting "Jericho" on CBS this summer, streaming episodes and clips from these episodes across the CBS Audience Network (online), releasing the first season DVD on September 25 and continuing the story of Jericho in the digital world until the new episodes return. We will let you know specifics when we have them so you can pass them on.

On behalf of everyone at CBS, thank you for expressing your support of "Jericho" in such an extraordinary manner. Your protest was creative, sustained and very thoughtful and respectful in tone. You made a difference.


Nina Tassler

President, CBS Entertainment

P.S. Please stop sending us nuts J



Täältä voi katsoa videopätkiä yms tästä kampanjasta :lol2:
Hieno uutinen!! Suoraan sanoen vitutti kun sarja loppui miten loppui ja jatkoa ei ollut luvassa. Onneksi yleisöllä näyttäisi olevan edes jonkin näköistä vaikutusta tv-yhtiöiden päätkösiin. Toisin kävi aikoinaan Carnivale sarjan kanssa, josta syntyi todellinen sota fanien ja tv-yhtiön välillä.
Mutta mielenkiinnolla uusia jaksoja odotellen! :rock:
Se on sellainen vitun hyvä etsiväsarja. Kaikki jaksot tähän mennessä katsottu ja vaan paranee. Joo, harmitt pirustii kun sarja jäi kesken, eikä kaikkia mysteerejä ja välejä ole edes selvitetty.


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