Gene Hoglan - The Atomic Clock DVD

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Gene Hoglan on julkaissut opetusDVD:n nimeltään The Atomic Clock.

"'The Atomic Clock' is two hours of me showing you how I do what I do, without a whole ton of boring, stale rudiments to bog you down. I feature nine full songs (five from the mighty MECHANISM alone) from some of my projects, plus a few different improvised solos, and tons of tips and tricks from my arsenal to help anybody out there become a better drummer. And human being. No, wait a minute, that 'better human being' bit will come from my upcoming 'How to Kick Ass, Motherfucker, like an Ass-Kicking Motherfucker' line of motivational DVDs that are soon to come. Yeah...right.

"But seriously, I am really pumped to launch this thing, I hope all who see it dig it."


Aika omahyväinen paskiainen, mutta helvetin hyvä rumpali. Varmaan Haaken jälkeen paras. Joskus Hoglan möykkäsi, ettei harjoittele fyysisesti ollenkaan. Harrastaa ainoastaan mielikuvaharjoittelua ja sitten soittaa studiossa. Uskoo ken tahtoo. Mut mielenkiintoinen DVD varmaan.
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