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EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit



4 178
Olen ymmällään koska amerikassa kirjoittavat jo arvosteluja tästä Condition Zerosta ja Suomessa tietääkseni peliä ei ole vielä saatavilla? Joka tapauksessa parannuksia on niin paljon CS:ään verrattuna että 40 euroa tällaisesta huippupelistä on halpa hinta:

CS:C0 features many game modes. For once, single player is available. You have 2 options in single player. One is to join the campaign missions where you get to accomplish several tasks for both terrorists or counter-terrorists in several "hot-spots"/continents. Each continent has different multiple maps where you can play in. Those maps tend to be linear. This means that you cannot infiltrate places by using several different routes, however, can only take down something or someone by following a singular path. This isnt a tradition in CS since many games such as UT, BF and CS tend to be more non-linear, which means that you can go anywhere, anytime and under any method of infiltration. Now, the other single player mode is known as OFFLINE SIMULATION. This is a more fluent version, which doesnt require you to follow a certain path. All you do is pick a map, pick either counter-terrorist or terrorist and then battle it out. Ofcourse, you can win rounds by being last man standing or diffusing/setting out a bomb. Other tasks include saving/preventing hostages from escaping.

As for AI, i tell you this now, AI is more smarter and capable of performing tasks. They are quick, determined and perform multiple methods of infiltration or detection, which makes you keep thinking of what they might do next. Other things AI do is learn your moves. They will know exactly where you hide, or go to if you keep repeating the methods. Thus you must confuse them by going to different locations each time unless you're asking for a death wish ;)

Graphics, amazing, ive seen the videos and screenshots and i know that pictures are worth a thousand words. Therefore, im not afraid of that. As for pc lag time in multiplayer, im not worried about that. As long as my ping is alright with BF1942, its alright with CS:C0 since there will be less load on my pc with this game than others.

Sound, more amazing, now you can have more commands, more realistic voices of both guns and the sorrounding environment (birds, water etc) Ofcourse, voice commands are even better nowadays than before.

Steam; now cs players can play along with CS:C0 players as long as they have updated patches, files and maps!

Conclusion, buy it, its cheaper than other games, more fun than most other games, and its summer in a few months =P

:worship: :5:
Osaa ne jenkitkin warettaa. ;) Välillä arvostelut valmiina ennen kuin peli on päässyt edes painoon. :rolleyes:
Steamin kautta pitäis imuttaa. Ei vissiin kauppoihin ole tulossa(?).
Pitäis olla tällä viikolla kaupoissa, viimeistään maanantaina. Eilen oli tullut maahantuojan varastoon.
phy73 sanoi:
Pitäis olla tällä viikolla kaupoissa, viimeistään maanantaina. Eilen oli tullut maahantuojan varastoon.

Jesssss! Hyvä! :hyper: :kippis1:
Huomenna on julkaisu. :hyper: :hyper:

Nimim. laatikollinen Condition Zeroja selän takana


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