BB PRO Brett "The Butcher" Wilkin

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Tehdään tutuksi herra nimeltään Brett "The Butcher" Wilkin. Brett treenailee usein Martin Fitzwaterin kanssa. Brett saavutti ammatilaisuuden vuonna 2017. Brett kilpaili ensin Classic Physique -sarjassa, josta hän siirtyi vuonna 2019 212 -sarjaan ja loppujen lopuksi avoimeen sarjaan. Viime vuonna Brett sijoittui Chicago Pro -kisojen avoimessa luokassa toiseksi. Hänen seuraava tavoitteensa on kilpailla tämän vuoden Arnold Classic -kisassa.

Today Brett takes you through what his push sessions are typically looking like right now. Pay attention to the various exercise selection, rep scheme variation, and intensifiers to try to level up your next push workout.

"Bodybuilding is a marathon made up of daily sprints."

Brett Wilkin at this point of posting is right at 3 weeks out from the Arnold Classic. His lifestyle for the past 8 years has been directed at CONSTANT progress towards bodybuilding and strengthening all the relationships that complemented this endeavor for himself and his wife Ivana.

Here he explains his frame of mind when training and what his "daily sprints" consist of.

"I come from a background of football training in college for 4 years where everything was just you and your teammates just going at it. You can work as hard as you can, but you wont outwork me."

Some of the best training sessions have been because of the competitive aspect that other people provide. Brett further explains that a great training partner doesn't need to be at the same level of strength and level of development in the sport.

"I am very good at seeing the payoff from long term goals. The little daily battles between you and your training partner is what keeps bodybuilding alive and entertaining. You have to challenge yourself or you wont see improvements."

Kovaa on tahti kehityksessä, ensin pro-kortti mens physiquesta ja viisi vuotta myöhemmin avoimessa sarjassa ennustetaan jopa top6 sijoitusta Arnoldissa. 😳
Mielenkiintoinen seurattava. Jäätävä kehitys muutamassa vuodessa ja saanut silti estetiikan säilytettyä. Vaikuttaa myös miellyttävältä persoonalta ja treenaa oikeasti kovaa ja fiksusti, ainakin YT videoiden perusteella.
This morning Brett runs you through his morning concoction of supplements to aid in his digestion and gut health. This drink is not necessary for anyone. However, it may help you out so give it a try and drop a comment below to let us know if it helped you out!

Brett took a trip down to the Revive gym to meet up with Iain for some awesome training. He also headed down to touch base and set the course for the upcoming Arnold Classic.

Today Brett walks you through a typical morning 4-5 weeks out from the Arnold classic. Oh and plus there is a full outline of his day of eating in the video as well!

IFBB Pro Brett Wilkin takes us through a pump arm workout during his prep for the 2022 Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio.

Today Brett takes you through a full back day session with his posing coach Quentin ( @dreadedq61 on Instagram ). He is currently less than 10 days out from the Arnold Classic his second pro show.

Today's video shows Brett during his recent trip down to Florida to meet up with the coach Matt Jansen and make sure everything is where it needs to be.

Arnold Classic päivä 1.
Brett saapui Columbus, Ohioon. Ruokaostoksia, ruokailu ja treeniä, hiukan vilauttaa myös kuntoaan.


Hosstile athletes Brett Wilkin and Nathan Epler meet up for a brutal back workout before the 2022 Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio.



Arnold Classic päivä 2.
Lähinnä tankkailua koko päivän, yläpuolella 👆 olevan jälkimmäisen, selkätreenin kävivät tekemässä.
Matt Jansen, käy läpi mitä muuttavat viime dietin "viimeistely viikon" ruoka ja nestetankkauksesta.


Arnold päivä 3.
Käsitreenin käy tekemässä, tankkailut jatkuu, sekä Arnold kilpailijoiden meet&greet.

Brett Wilkin doesn't miss a beat. "I know I need to do more work and I am good with that. I welcome that. That is who I am!" This is the attitude of a champion.

The Arnold Classic was an awesome experience for Brett, Ivana and the entire GASP and Better Bodies family. The energy, the people and the community as a whole felt like a revived rendition of itself with genuinely ecstatic energy to get back together.

Brett took away all positives form this experience and explains everything in this post Arnold Classic interview.

Brett recaps the Arnold Classic week/weekend and announces the winner of the Pride Foods giveaway. Watch the video to see if you won. Disclaimer: the winner was picked randomly by Brett.

Fresh off his Arnold Classic debut, Brett Wilkin hits the road for Destination. We show you all here a typical day in the life while traveling for Brett and any serious bodybuilders at any level. Brett flys in here and has meetings with Michael Johansson and the team followed by training, a very fast grocery run followed by dinner with fellow traveler Calum Raistrick who is in town for a training collaboration with Luke Miller. As mentioned in his post Arnold Classic interview, Brett is keen on hitting the ground running with his ease back into training and jump starting his rebound and grow phases. Brett made it in town in time for the Destination meet-up which was shown in the previous video.
Ihan hyvä ison kisan debyytti. Ylihypetettiin liikaa ja vähänkin lajista tietävä tiesi ettei ei ole kyllä top 3 asiaa. Kondis hyvä mutta vähän jotenkin tyhjän/vetisen oloinen. Kaunis malli ja sivuasennot varsinkin rajuja. Omaan silmän kaipaa vielä lisää massaa että päästään kärkeen.



Brett sits down to go over his post show thoughts on the Arnold after having time to settle and gather them. He goes over many things from his favorite thing to train to where he is from.

Today Brett does his first break down of his offseason diet. Stick around to hear how many meals, calories, and grams of protein the big man takes down daily to grow.

More weekly diet update videos to come as Brett progresses through the off-season. Drop a comment below if you would like us to shoot a full day of eating this current update of the diet.

Today Brett breaks down how he has changed up his leg training to help him make the necessary changes to compete with the best. He knows he needs to improve his sweep specifically so that is what he is doing.

Brett took a trip down to the home of his new supplement sponsors and linked up with Iain while he was there to get a great hamstring session in. Get ready for a ton of content to come.

Today Brett gives you a sneak peak into the type of training sessions that you can expect to see on the channel coming up. As he has announced Brett will be moving to Florida in the coming months to pursue his bodybuilding career and other opportunities.

Today Brett took a trip down to Achieve Fitness ( @achievefitnesspueblo ) a hardcore bodybuilding gym about 2.5 hours south of Denver. The equipment was awesome, the people were great, and the environment was exactly what it needed to be. Make sure to check them out if you are ever in Pueblo, CO.

Brett breaks down a full arm day for everyone in even more detail than usual. Make sure you follow along and keep listening as there are tips thrown in all throughout the video.

UPCOMING: Brett and Ivana will be at RVA Iron this coming weekend for a guest posing, group training, and posing class. Make sure you come stop by to say hello.

Brett and Ivana took Roscoe across the country for a weekend packed with training, posing, and hanging out with all the awesome people that came out to support all the athletes!

A recap of Sunday when Brett and Ivana visited RVA Iron for a posing seminar, some awesome training, and a guest posing.

Stay tuned as the channel is about to get a lot more active. Drop a comment with what you want to see as Brett' prepares for his move to Florida.

Brett Wilkin committed 3 years to growing into his "Open" category form. Now Brett is committed to turning into a top 5 bodybuilder in the world. He understands that nothing is possible without putting in the time and effort.

Here we catch up with Brett after his Arnold Classic debut and right before going full force into his offseason. He is joined by Joe Tolbert for a quad focused leg day. "Its not all about just moving the weight anymore. I want it to be heavy but I want to hit what I am targeting."

Check out their approach to this leg day with a few techniques they implement all throughout.

Brett and Ivana head down to Florida to check out their new home and get in some great training at Revive Gym. Get ready for the offseason content that is about be coming your way.

Today Brett, Iain, and Eddie hit chest and finish up with biceps. Follow along for differing set and rep schemes that you might find useful in your own workout along with the new exercises.

Brett shows you his new house and explains his pre workout meal. After that it's over to the Revive Gym for full back workout.

Taking you guys through a full arm day for this upload. Follow along if you are struggling to make improvements and you might find a new exercises or tip that could help.

Today Brett takes you through a push day at the Revive Gym.

Today we welcome Charles to the Raw Family with a full shoulder day at the Revive Gym.

Today Brett trains with new IFBB Pro and fellow RAW athlete Vaughn Walker.

A recap of the trip down to Texas to visit our GASP and Better Bodies family to support 40 years in the business.

Follow along for a warehouse tour, diet update, and a full hamstring session with RAW athlete Vaughn Walker.

Headed out to Denver in the beginning of August to guest pose at the Colorado Cup with Hunter for the 3rd year in a row. We got together and hit arms.

Today I had the pleasure of welcoming the newest member to the Raw Nutrition family. Joe has been in the industry for a long time and has one of the best educational platforms on the market.

Brett takes you through his updated diet and a solo back session 7.5 weeks out from his upcoming show.

Today Brett and Vaughn trained quads together. Enjoy!

Today Brett linked up with Nick to hit a hard leg day. Enjoy.

Today Brett destroyed shoulders with Vaughn.

Trained quads with Nick in Orlando.

Full training session (delts and biceps) plus the first cheat meal for the channel this prep.

Trained quads with Martin like old times back in Denver. Plus I had a refeed meal at five guys.

This docu-series shares our athlete, Brett Wilkin's experiences as he takes on prepping for the Romania Pro. The current goal is to win this show so he can continue on and compete in this year's Olympia. So stay tuned and get ready to watch this story unfold.

Today Brett takes your through the new Raw and Revive warehouse and then hits one last hard hamstring session with Martin before leaving for Romania.

We traveled across the pond to finish the job and we are taking you all along for the ride. Stay tuned for behind the scenes footage and an inside look at what goes into peaking Brett for the stage.

Day 2 in Romania. Follow along for all the fun.

Brett take you through a full day 2 days out from the Romania pro.
Ei tullut voittoa Romania Pro kilpailusta 🥈
Jatkaa 2 viikon päästä olevaan Espanjan kilpailuun, Big Man weekend Pro jonka voittaessaan, lunastaa itselleen Mr. Olympia paikan 2023 vuodelle.
Pisteiden perusteella, selvästi hävisi Behrooz Tabanille, vaikka mitä itse katsoin, ei ollut live striimissä näin selkeä ero.

Viimeksi muokattu:

rett is one day out from the Romania Pro. Follow along to see what goes into getting ready for a competition with the big boys.

Two days of bodybuilding prep in Spain. Check out our adventures.

Today Brett takes you all through a full day of eating 8 days out from his next competition. Also included is a full breakdown of Brett's prep ab routine to develop the midsection.

Brett got a chance to meet one of his all time favorites Dorian Yates. Follow along for a full hamstring day where Dorian "encourages" Brett during a top set on stiff legged deadlifts and also walks him through some posing rounds to help prepare for Alicante.
Wilkin voitti 2022 Big Man Weekend -kisan.

Brett takes you through one of his first leg days back in the swing of things after returning home from Spain. Lots of great things to look forward to in the coming year and Brett fully intends on taking advantage of all the cool opportunities and blessings ahead.

Huge thank you to everyone who reached out in support of the awesome news Ivana and I shared about our welcoming of a new member of the Wilkin family this coming May. I can't forget to also extend my gratitude for the amazing first two launches of the Butcher Hooks. My passion project has received a ton of support and I can not thank anyone who has ordered a pair (or tried too).

Today Brett just gives you a little life update after settling back in at home. Stay tuned as content will only ramp up here in 2023.

Had the pleasure of training with James and Hunter at Elite FTS during the Arnold Weekend.

This extended episode covers behind the scenes of Brett’s final 2 competitions of 2022 starting in Romania and ending in Spain. Brett proved to be triumphant after falling short of the goal initially and is now qualified for the 2023 Mr. Olympia in November. 2023 will be Brett's first Olympia and is the year that he will welcome his first born into the Wilkin family. Stay tuned for a long series leading into November covering the offseason and the prep for the show.
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