Battle For The Olympia 2012

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

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Mitsuru Okabe on saanut kuvaukset valmiiksi Battle For The Olympia 2012 DVD:n osalta.

*Evan Centopani
*Jose Raymond
*Kai Greene (3 Workouts!)
*Shawn Rhoden
*Tricky Jackson
*Flex Lewis
*Al Auguste
*Bill Wilmore
*Phil Heath
*Branch Warren
*Johnnie Jackson
*David Henry
*Guy Cisternino
*Essa Obaid

*Olympia Expo Hall
*Press Conference
*212 Weigh-ins and Pump-up
*Meet The Olympians
*Open Pump-up
*212 and Open Finals


8 Hours of awesome footage of the best bodybuilders in the world! Mocvideo has done it again - we have filmed all the top Open competitors and many of the 212 athletes also! We flew all over the country to film the best of the best. We started in New York to film Kai Greene, Evan Centopani and Jose Raymond, and then headed south to get Shawn Rhoden, Tricky Jackson and Flex Lewis. Then we drove all the way south to Florida for Al Auguste, and Bill Wilmore. We hopped a plane to Colorado for Phil Heath and then to Texas for Branch and Johnnie at Metroflex. Back home for some R&R and then off to Arizona for David Henry, then rented a car to drive north to Vegas for Essa Obaid and Guy Cisternino. Wshew! It was a whirlwind of filming, but a blast at the same time!

Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Onko kukaan ostanu noita aikaisempia/viime vuotista Battle For The Olympia? Jos joku on hankkinut/katsonut mitä olette pitäneet?
Onko kukaan ostanu noita aikaisempia/viime vuotista Battle For The Olympia? Jos joku on hankkinut/katsonut mitä olette pitäneet?

2010 edellinen minkä katsoin, 2012 tilattu.
2010 version voisin vaihtaa johonkin kehopätkään.

Eka levy 2012:sta melkein katsottu. Ihan normitreeniä, ei mitään uutta ja ihmeellistä. Poset treenien jälkeen.


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