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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%

Mielummin olen ryppyinen kun välttelen aurinkoa.😀 Veikkaisin myös, että hyvä ravintoa(vitamiinit ja hivenaineet) voi auttaa ihoa kestämään aurinkoa paremmin.

Esimerkiks astaksantiini suoja ihoa uv säteilyltä:

Astaxanthin is a highly effective antioxidant that prevents cell damage from active oxygen. It is an efficient blocker of ultraviolet radiation and helps to protect the skin from UV rays and sunburn. In addition, it accelerates the healing of skin after sun damage. Taking Astaxanthin supplements (eg. Swanson Astaxanthin, Life Extension Astaxanthin) has also been shown to extend the time when the body stops resisting sun exposure and it is the sunburn that causes the skin to burn. What else? Astaxanthin is able to penetrate all layers of the skin (topical sunscreens can reach only the outermost layers), it acts as an "inner sunscreen" to protect against UVA-induced oxidative stress. This can provide potent protection against ultraviolet radiation, the most powerful environmental risk factor for skin cancer.

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